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51 Cards in this Set

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What is logic in criminal profiling

It may be defined as the process of argumentation

-a unified discipline which investigates the structure and validity of knowledge

-principles of logic allows for more than simply providing a theoretical foundation, logic allows for more rigerous testing of an argument

Has much literature been produced on profiling?

Yes, much has been produced on goals, inputs, outputs, and individual profilers.

however there has been less writing on logic and the reasoning in the process


What are the two main approaches used by profilers to arrive at their conclusions

Induction and deduction

How do we determine logic?

We can establish the veracity of a conclusion by juxtaposing the theory of logic onto that conclusion to determine weather it complies with good reasoning

What is the main difference between profiling methods

Logic and reasoning styles I.e induction vs deduction

Is logic both a science and art


Why is logic useful

For testing the veracity of arguments

What are the 3 principles of logic

1. The principle of identity

2. The principle of the excluded middle

3. The principle of sufficient reason

1. What is the principle of identity (basic principles of logic)

-“a thing is what it is”

-each case should be treated as an individual rather than simple extension of similar crimes

- each crime represents its own universe of evidence

2. What is the principle of the excluded middle (the basic principles of logic)

-“between being nothing and non being there is no middle state”

-either a crime has occurred or it hasn’t

- key to establishing this validity is in carrying out a detailed reconstruction to established what happened and what did not

3. What is the principle of sufficient reason (the basic principles of logic)

- there is sufficient reason for everything

- everything has an explanation, nothing is self explanatory. Any argument put fourth must not be sensational or rely only on phenomenological explanations for cause or existence

Is there confusion regarding the logic behind criminal profiling

Yes a great deal

The confusion with logic and profiling - what does it mean that most profilers don’t define the terms they are using,

Most profilers use the term deduction rather casually to mean any conclusion. Deduction has taken on a casual meaning with majority treating it as syonmous with a conclusion thereby believing any conclusion is a deduction

- these concepts do get confused

- most often seen as a total disregard for profilers in a practical application of logic and reasoning as well as a lack of theoretical perspective

The concepts of profiling get confused. But what is evident in all profiling methods

All approaches use logic to reach conclusions

The logical structures of profiles are based on what two main components ?

Premises and conclusions

The two logical components of profiling: 1. What is premises

These are the reasons that support the main claim of an argument

The two logical components of profiling: 2. What is the conclusions?

What is inferred from the premises.

What is an example of premises and conclusions?

Profiler suggests offender is male.

-premise : semen found in victim (reason which supports claim of argument)

- conclusion : offender is male

What are inductive arguments

They are likely arguments made by the supporting premises.

What are characteristics of the inductive profiling method?

- the argument is not fallible, still matter of probability.

- inductive characteristics are projective

- inductive characteristics are trait based, assumed to be stable over time

- it’s a type of inference. Where observations are compaired to similarities in the past/ cases of similar nature

- statistical, abstract, world oriented - varying degree of certainty for conclusions based on probabilities

What does it mean that inductive characteristics are projective ?

They say what an offender will be like at sometime in the future

- predict some future event I.e what offender will be like when found or arrested

What do inductive profiles rely on?

Statistical or correlational reasoning.

- information based on probabilities

Why might inductive methods be attractive

Simplicity of the method makes it attractive. Requires little in depth knowledge or training

Are inductive generalizations always true

No. There is no garuntee they will apply in the current case. Often statistics are not well informed

What are problems involved with inductive profiling

- sample size used for generalizations and statistics is generally small - limits studies to exploration rather than explanation

- generalizations this may not apply to all crime types or specific crimes

- some theoretical models are questionable

- presentation of crime scene may confuse classification efforts - I.e staged crime scenes may prevent application of generalizations of offender characteristics

What is the principle propose with inductive reasoning

Is the development of hypothesis and not in providing thorough conclusions

What does deductive profiling method involve

A more rational, local process

- relies on the scientific method

- offender characteristics are a direct extension of the physical evidence.

- if premises are true conclusions must also be true

What is the main characteristic of deductive profiling

The conclusion is implicitly contained within the premises, if the premises are valid the conclusion must also be so.

- deductive arguments take us from truth to truth

What does it mean that deductive arguments are meant to take us from truth to truth

It is not logically possible for a conclusion to be false if the premises are true. the conclusion must be true if the premises are true. Otherwise would be contradictory

What does it mean that a characteristic of deduction is the scientific method?

This method involves the testing of hypothesis through experimentation and observation

-deductive methods develops hypothesis then attempts to rule out compteing hypothesis on the basis of evidence.

Are deductive profiles static or dynamic

They are not static. New developments in logic challenge currently held hypothesis it can be updated to fit new understandings

In deductive profiles what are conclusions formed based on?

Conclusions are a direct extension of physical evidence and does not make any conclusions outside the physical evidence, and these conclusions are still suggesting not defiantly naming offenders

- it works with physical evidence and does not venture with suspicion/ assumption

Do deductive profiling methods provide wider conclusions ?

No it is less adventurous with its conclusions. It’s suggested that only 4 characteristics can be deductible inferred

- but deductive profiles are more complex than statistical generalizations

What are the 4 main characteristics of the deductive method which can be deductively inferred

1. Knowledge of victim

2. Knowledge of crime scene

3. Knowledge of methods and materials

4. Criminal skill

What are problems with deductive profiling

- relies on physical evidence being accurately assessed

- amount of info available may dictate amount or validity of conclusions.

- more time and effort

- requires for education and training

Is logic used in both induction and deductive profiling methods


What is the term non-sequitur mean?

This is a conclusion that does not logically follow from previous argument.

- this would not include a deductive argument.

What is the importance of logic in criminal profiling process

The main principles of logic allow for rigourous scrutiny (careful observation) of arguments put fourth in a profile

- therefore logic is useful for testing the veracity of arguments

Who is an example of someone confusing the logics of profiling

James Brussel. Who made the profile of the mad bomber said it was deductive but it wasn’t

What must a conclusion have in inductive methods vs deductive

Inductive conclusions - rely on most basic level of statics

Deductive conclusions - based on the established validity of the premises.

What are deductive methods characterized as

Rational, concrete, Case oriented

What is the wickton case an example of ?

A lack of understanding or confusion regarding the type of reasoning - in this case the profiler said they made a deductive argument based that this offender was a guitar player with long fingernails. But other possibilities may explain this difference so it was actually inductive

Where does the confusion in criminal profiling usually drive from

The definitions of induction and deduction used

What term are most people in this field using to describe their method of profiling

Deduction. But it’s being used casually to mean any type of conclusions

What is the main difference between inductive methods and deductive methods

It’s mAinly between the strength between the premises and the conclusions that the profiling methods seem significantly different

Do inductive methods have a place in logical argumentation

Yes their arguments are likely - but they still have a place in logical argumentation but it’s place within the process is questionable the statistical measures are not a conclusion

How do inductive and deductive methods present a continuum?

Deductive - certain

Inductive - likely

These two methods represent different points of certainty along the same continuum

Inductive characteristics are predicted to be stable over time what theory is this based on

Behavioural consistency, a specific type of behavioural consistency - interpersonal coherence

Turvey - who developed BEA what is his example of deductive profiling

He developed a hypothesis based on evidence from crime scene that if an offender carefully disoriented everything than a person has shown some form of medical knowledge. Conclusion that offender has some medical knowledge is a direct extension of physical evidence It does not make conclusions out side of the physical evidence nor does it claim what level of medical knowledge offender must have

The utility of a profile is largely based on what? And what profiling method is this stronger for

The utility of a profile is largely a consequence of the surity of its conclusions, which is stronger in deductive profiling

Can inductive predictions become deductive?

Yes. Inductive predictions can become deductive certainties. Induction is more for creation of hypothesis and is not well suited for conclusions of offender characteristics or for making a final conclusion about offender characteristics