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14 Cards in this Set

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What is the expected response when cranial nerve I is tested in an infant. What nerve is being tested.
Olfactory nerve is being test and infaant startles, grimaces or sniffles.
Cranial nerve V is being tested. What nerve is being tested and what is the expected response of infant. In the older child what is observed.
Trigeminal nerve and infant turns toward stimuli and starts to suck. Older child strength of chewing, swallowing. Strength of jaw.
What is cranial nerve II and what is the expected response. What test is used to check older children for this nerve (name one test).
Optic nerve. Pupils constrict in response to light . Infant should fix and follow object for 60 to 90 degree. Snell chart, tumbling E or Allen picture test.
what are cranial nerve III, IV, VI. What is the expected response when they are tested. What is older child able to do on this test.
Cranial nerve III oculomotor, cranial nerve IV trochlear, cranial nerve VI abducent. Pupils should be equal, round, symmetrical. Movement should be spontaneous. Eyes should deviate left when head turning right. Follow finger, light though 6 cardinal fields of gaze.
When cranial nerves IV and VI response is abnormal what is the suspected dysfunction.
Brain stem dysfunction
What nerve is nerve VII and what is seen when there is a dysfunction in this nerve. What can a older child do when testing this nerve.
Facial nerve and asymmetrical facial expressions. Older children can smile, frown, puff cheeks and face is symetrical.
What disorder of cranial nerve VII is suspected when there is a dysfunction
Bells palsy (nerve palsy)
What test can be done to test cranial nerve VIII. What should older children do for this test.
Auditory evoked response to evaluate acoustic nerve. Rough assessment is clapping and watching for startle or blink response. Most states require test stated above. Older children can repeat whispered words.
A gag reflex is illicited on examination of a patient with normal strength and movement. What cranial nerve is being tested and give the name. Older children should do what for this test.
Cranial nerve IX, Glassopharyngeal. Old children will gag and should have strong tongue movement.
What cranial nerve would assess an infants sucking, swallowing and notes it to be efficient and coordinated. What should older children do for this assessment
Cranial nerve XII, hypoglossal. Older children can stick tongue out.
What needs to be observed in cranial nerve X in an infant. What nerve is being assessed. What is assessed in older child for this test.
THe infant needs to be observed crying to assess for pitch and strength. Normal is loud and angry. Vagus nerve is being assessed. Ability to say Ah. Uvula should move upward and backward.
A shrill, penetrating cry when assessing cranial nerve X or in general can indicate what problem in an infant.
Intracranial hemorrhage.
Whiny high pitched cry when observing a crying baby can indicate what problem.
Central nervous system dysfunction.
What nerve is being assessed when head is turned to side in infant. What is expected response. What reflex is observed. What should older children do.
Cranial nerve XI, accessory. Infant should work to bring head to midline. Arm on opposite side that head was turned should extend up or flex and same side head turns should extend down. Called asymmetrical tonic neck relex. Older children should shrug shoulders.