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6 Cards in this Set

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Private sector desired outcome

Public sector

Investigations scope

Back (Definition)

Legal requirements

Data discovery

Nature of Investigation Management

Def. Investigation is a systematic and thorough examination or inquiry into something or someone and record of that examination of that report..

Qualities of effective Investigations

Five attributes characterize an effective and reliable investigation: objectivity, thoroughness, relevance, and timleness

Collection of evidence:

Finger prints, gun,tire print are real evidence which speaks for itself.

Handling of evidence: basic rules: photograph and sketch crime scene before moving them. Restrict handling to absolute minimum number of people to shorten chain of evidence.

Marking of evidence: avoid obliterating evidence while marking. Use distinctive mark where possible. Should include date evidence secured, location of it, and mark should be on the item itself where possible.

Preserving evidence- key points

Allow blood to dry before shipping to faraway labs. Submit all body fluids stains to lab. Avoid contact of suspect and victims articles. Obtain at least 50 specimens of hairs samples of victim/ or-suspect from various areas of head. Never never place loose fibres in mailing envelope. Send firmly soiled objects to labs. All remaining glass in shell be recovered for glass headlights. Scrape paint samples using clean knife blades. Volatile liquids be poured into clean glass bottle and closed tightly. Bullets should be marked on the base. Cartridges be marked on inside of open end. Unfired ammunition be marked on side near end of the bullet. Questioned document be sealed in plastic or cellophane envelop. Charred doc are placed on top of loose cotton in a box and hand delivered to the lab..

Methods of Investigations