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10 Cards in this Set

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540.10- Forfeiture of bail, generally

1. If a principal does not appear at the stated time, court must...

direct the forfeiture of bail.


2. IF principal appears before the final adjournment of the court and satisfactorily excuses his neglect, court MAY...

direct that the forfeiture be discharged. (final adjournment of court means final adjournment for the day).


3. A bail bond or cash bond, upon being forfeited, together with a certified copy of the order of the court must be filed by the D.A. in the office of the clerk of the county where such order was issued within ______ days of forfeiture.

120 days


If there is forfeiture of bail that was posted in a city, town, or village court for less than a felony AND:

1. bail consists of a bail bond, financial officer shall start an action for...

recovery of amount of money specified in bail bond and on collection shall be property of city, town or village where offense was committed.


If there is forfeiture of bail that was posted in a city, town, or village court for less than a felony AND:

2. bail consists of cash bail, and it is a city court - bail money shall...

be paid to the financial officer of that city.


If there is forfeiture of bail that was posted in a city, town, or village court for less than a felony AND:

2. bail consists of cash bail, and it is a town or village court - generally, bail shall be paid to...

the state comptroller and shall be the property of the town or village in which the offense was committed.


An application for remission of forfeiture of bail must be made within...

1 year after the forfeiture of the bail is declared and must be on 5 days' notice to the D.A.


Forfeiture of bail ordered by:

Superior court

Application for remission of forfeiture of bail may be made to:

such Superior court


Forfeiture of bail ordered by:


Application for remission of forfeiture of bail may be made to:

Superior court in the county


Forfeiture of bail ordered by:

district court

Application for remission of forfeiture of bail may be made to...

Superior court in the county OR such district court.