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107 Cards in this Set

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Door swing measurement for a walker


Door swing measurement for a w/c


ADA requirements for countertop height


Flexing hips and knees is a characteristic of what reflex?

Symmetrical Tonic Reflex

Landau Reflex

Holding the head upright in supine position. Extension of trunk and neck. 3-4 months

What does the supraspinatous help with

flexion and abduction of humerous

THE best way to gather info on a patient

observation and interview

myasthenia gravis symptoms

weak eye, face, throat, neck, and limb muscles

Wheel chair access minimum for front of door from ramp


measurements for grab bars in bathroom


for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis splints help prevent...


For someone suffering from depression activities should be

repetitive, structured, simple

for total hip arthroplasty client must avoid hip flexion at

80 degrees

A program evaluation studies...

systematic collection of reporting of data AND a compilation of intervention results.

minimum measurement for a w/c doorway


minimum measurement for a w/c toilet


Type of splint used for carpal tunnel syndrome

cock-up splint

when does a OTP consider a power w/c

when going slower than walking pace

when would a client use a shallow spoon

when there is little upper lip control.

What does a OTP do if a person c/ suicidal thoughts starts to give personal belongings away

Tell OT, director, nurse, etc

What to do to inhibit extensor tone for someone in a w/c

seatbelt hips at 45 degree angle

Type of grasp for C6 spinal cord injury

tenodesis grasp or no grasp at all

Allen's cognitive level 0





Gross body movements


manual actions


Familiar activity


learning new activity


planning new activity

cylcothymic disorder

less sever form of bipolar disorder


difficulty swallowing


restlessness, muscular tension


failure of muscle coordination. loss of sensory and motor functions


painful sudden muscle spasms


muscle weakness and fatigue, reduction of movement

Tardive dyskinesia

facial movements, writing movements of tongue and small motion of fingers; can be permanent


ability to identify by touch s/ sight


low to normal muscle tone


lack of motor planning and can't do the movements even thought they have learned them already.


can't say what object is

autonomic dysreflexia

Potentially life-threatening acute medical condition caused by overreaction of the autonomic nervous system to stimulation, commonly associated with a SCI above T6 level, characteristic symptoms include: pounding headache chills and flushed skin anxiety excessively high blood pressure perspiration bradycardia

grading pitted edema

absent (0) to severe (3+)


excessive sweating

O2 desaturation

decrease in O2 levels. 95% is considered normal


used to measure tactile sensitivity of skin


measures hand grip strength

athetoid movements

slow, writhing, involuntary movements of appendages due to CP

psychosocial disorder

schizophrenia, anxiety, etc that which the mental functioning of the person affects them socially.

visual motor integration

the ability to control hand movement guided by eye vision

visual acuity

sharpness of vision. discerning images from a distance.

visual perception

interpret the surrounding environment by processing information visually.

manual muscle test scale

0, 1- trace, 2-no gravity, 3-gravity, 4-resistance, 5-full.

ADA minimum w/c door way width


radial-digital grasp

three-jaw chuck

lateral pinch

key grip

partial weight bearing

50% of pt full weight

intention tremors

Intention tremors occur during voluntary movement, and providing proximal stabilization may be effective in decreasing the intensity of the tremor with eating.

decerebrate rigidity

flexion of the elbows across the chest, adduction and flexion of the wrists, flexion of the fingers, extension and internal rotation of the legs, plantar flexion of the feet

When considering seat width, what should be the COTA’s MAIN objective?

To distribute weight over the widest possible surface while keeping the width of the chair as narrow as possible

Medium work requires

exerting 20-50 lb of force occasionally, 10-25 lb of force frequently, or more than negligible weight to as much as 10 lb of force constantly to move objects.

cognitive perspective

deals with clients’ emotional response to experiences and assists them in reframing their behavioral response.

cognitive disability perspective

focuses on clients’ current abilities and does not aim to change clients’ emotional response or behaviors, only the environment.

developmental perspective

focuses on current life expectations and how clients approach situations in the context of those expectations.

sensorimotor perspective

focuses on controlling or modifying external sensory stimuli to improve clients’ ability to function. It regulates responses through physiological, not cognitive, processes.

resting pan orthosis

prevents morning stiffness and keeps joints aligned.

myoelectric hand

paired with an externally powered prosthesis, which involves the placement of an electrode to pick up electromyographic signals to move the electric hand.

Arm-through-arm service

offers personal physical assistance to and from the doorway of the home to the door of the vehicle.

Door-to-door service

assists passengers from the doorway of their point of origin to the entrance of the destination.

Door-through-door service

ffers assistance on and off the vehicle and physical assistance with packages from the travel point of origin into the building of their destination.

What to stabilize first for overall postural support

pelvis and lower extremities followed by trunk

Major causes of pulmonary embolism

deep vein thrombosis, heart failure, obesity


concern for other's safety


treat the client to their desires within bounds of practice and protect confidential info


fair, equitable, and appropriate treatment of persons and access to occupational engagement.

Forceful exertions

heavy lifting, twisting through the spine

MOHO model

Understanding the client's dimensions of occupational participation and performance. "dimensions of doing"

Adaption model

Understanding the interaction between the client's perceived level of task mastery and the demands of the environment

Ecology of Human Performance model

Understanding how the environment can be adapted, modified, and restored to enable effective performance

Sensory Integration model

Understanding how the client uses sensory information in the environment

Multiple sclerosis

declining function. Teach adaptive devices and compensation techniques.

Low registration of stimuli

sensory seeking

shaping technique

allows you to build this desired behavior in steps

Resident Assessment Instrument

part of the Medicare regulations for SNFs

"S" Subjective

gives the client’s perspective on his or her condition, treatment, or experience.

"O" Objective

records measurable data obtained during the treatment session

"A" Assessment

contains an interpretation of subjective and objective information from a treatment session.

"P" Plan

outlines the frequency and duration of continued treatment for the client.


refrain from behavior that could cause harm.


accurate facts

Recovery Model

requires peer support and teaching

Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy

Progresses quickly and child usually in w/c by age 9

Relative Distance Magnification

moving closer to an object to make it bigger

constructional disorder

difficulty assembling pieces into a whole object

Dorsal burns on hand

Wrist in intrinsic position (15-30 degrees extension) thumb abduction, MP extended

ADLs for burns

adaptive equipment and strategies, and identify abnormal movement patterns. Client needs to relearn movement. *WHEN the burn happens matters too. Adaptive equipment/strategies first.

visual field deficit

narrowing of visual search and scanning

Canadian Optimal Performance Measure

a client-centered instrument that measures the client's perception of problem areas and goals for treatment, including productivity.

arthrogryposis multiplex congenital

contractures in more than one joint

Tinel's test

test for distal irritation. Used for carpel tunnel or cubital tunnel

lateral epicondylitis

tennis elbow

Lateral epicondylitis treatment

activity modification, orthotic positioning, tendon gliding exercises, ergonomic education

Decorticate rigidity

flexion of the elbows across the ches, tadduction and flexion of the wrists, flexion of the fingers, extension and internal rotation of the legs, plantar flexion of the feet


Reflexive abnormal motor movements in response to a tendon stretch (as in reflex testing), indicative of a cortical lesion, characterized by a series of involuntary rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the muscle

pulmonary embolisim

when a clot travels to the lungs. will show dyspnea, chest pain, rapid heart rate


Overly large digits

When to do AROM for a fracture

3-6 weeks

result of a claw hand

ulnar nerve injury