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8 Cards in this Set

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Four components of a contract?



Intention to create a legal relations between one another


What distinguishes an informal agreement from an legally enforceable contract?

The intention to create legal relations between one another

The majority of Contract law is governed by...

Case law

Define an offer

An expression of willingness to contract on specified terms, made with the intention that it will become binding when accepted by the person to whom it is addressed

The court's used to establish whether an agreement had been reached by determining whether there had been a 'meeting of the minds' between the parties.

But now the make an objective assessment of the offerors intention and this will establish whether a legal agreement has been created... How does this work

If a reasonable person would have thought that by the words or actions of the offeror that he intended to be bound, this is sufficient to create an agreement in law

Ie a uni making an offer in error

What's the difference between an invitation to treat and an offer?

An invitation to treat invites people to make offers

An offer is the actual offer

An invitation to treat always proceeds an offer

True or false


Advertisement for car- invitation to treat

Customer goes to shop and offers to buy car

Definition of invitation to treat

Statement expressing willingness to receive offers