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18 Cards in this Set

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How do you know there's an injury or infection in the kidney

There is blood protein or white blood cells present in urine

What can you deduce from the presence of glucose in the urine

Person has diabetes mellitus

Explain the formation of kidney stones

When salts like calcium and urea and wastes are do not dissolve in the water of the filtrate they form crystals. They can grow over time

Kidney stones treatment

Surgically removed if larger than 2 centimeters

Lazer or shockwave therapy where stones are shattered to be peed out

How to reduce chances of kidney stones

Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day

Which gender is more likely to develop a kidney infection and why


Urethra is shorter than that of a male

Name of a common kidney infection


What causes cystitis

Bacteria enters anus,spreads to intestines and eventually to urethra

Cystitis treatment

Burning sensation when peeing

Very High fever / temp

Frequent urination

Blood or pus in the urine

Cystitis treatment


What happened if cystitis is untreated

Could travel up ureters to kidneys causing pyelonephritis

What is bilharzia

Disease caused by parasitic worm in infected water

Symptoms of bilharzia

Blood in the urine

Bilharzia treatment

Prescription drugs

Bilharzia prevention

Peeing or pooping in a toilet and not in the open

Types of kidney failure

Chronic( develops over time) and acute( happens suddenly)

Causes of chronic kidney failure

Diabetes and high blood pressure

Treatment for kidney failure

Medical treatment ( only if functioning is over 15 %)

Dialysis or kidney transplant if functioning is less than 15%)