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20 Cards in this Set

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The London fire brigade's principal aim is...

To make London the safest global city

To make London......

What are the 3 Aims outlined in the London safety Plan?

- prevention and protection

- response and resilience

- people and recources

3 pairs - p and p, r and r, p and r

What is community safety?

The LFB works to help people stay safe from fire and other emergencies in the home, at work and accross the communities.

List how the LFB educates the community about safety.

- Home fire safety visits (HFSVs)

- Partnership work

- informing people at a young age

- Reducing deliberately started fires

- Advising on fire safety at the work place

- carrying out inspections of buildings


What questions/advice can you ask/give to residents who may have had a fire?

- What could they have down to prevent the fire from starting?

- Was there a working smoke alarm?

- Did they act correctly on discovering the fire?

- Did the occupiers have an escape plan?

- Did they call the LFB correctly?

What is "grouped risk visiting"?

It's priority targeting that occurs in areas where increased prevention activity is necessary.

Name the types of secondary fire


-Open land

-Derelict buildings

-Derelict vehicles.


What is a secondary fire?

Does not involve casualties and does not require more than four pumping appliances to deal with it

When should a safeguarding referal be made?

When there is concern that an adult or child is being abused or there is risk of abuse.

What should you do if you see an immediate risk or crime commited?

Call the police on 999 as well as following the LFBs internal procedure.

2 members of staff should stay with the person and preserve the crime scene until the police arrive.

All safeguarding concerns should be reported.....

To the officer of the day (OOD) within 4 hours if there is an immediate risk and 24 hours for all other concerns.

What is SOR

Serious outstanding risk

If a problem cannot be resolved through HFSV but it's is not an immediate safeguarding referal.

If something is out of the ordinary or unexpected with the potential to cause harm.

Name the 2 categories of SOR.

Outstanding fire risk

Welfare referal

Give examples of outstanding fire risk

Evidence of burns, unreported previous fires, burns on carpets or clothes, evidence of unsafe candle use, history of falls ect.

Give examples of when you would carry out a welfare referal

Issues such as resident having no heating and/or lighting, no food, vermin infestation, neglect of a property, broken windows ect.

What is a Home fire safety Visit?

Where Firefighters visit people in their homes to give advice on fire safety and where necessary fit smoke alarms.

Why do we carry out community safety?

Accidental fires are the main cause of fire deaths and injuries. LFB works to educate individuals and communities about what they can do to protect themselves from fire.

Also "statutory reasons"

And "moral reasons"

List the moral reasons for community safety

- Can and does save lives and reduces injuries and number of fires.

- Majority of fires can be prevented by highlighting the hazards in such a way that people remember the message and act upon it.

- It is the right thing to do

What is meant by a "quick strike" or "reassurance visiting"?

A reactive activity that would maximise the impact of a community safety message immediately following a fire. Ie door to door and/or full HFSVs.

What is the Community safety departments primary role?

To identify, educate and target those at risk from fire in London