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87 Cards in this Set

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Work enters above each unit A. B. and C. and leaves below each unit A. B. and C. (like an assembly low line, but there are experts in certain areas, and you share info between each other. You pool knowledge.)
Work enters unit A and then goes through units B. and C. and then exits unit C. (assembly line, you do your work and it passes on, no talk between people)
Work enters unit A and it goes all the way around and through each unit then it exits unit B. (you’re interactive, a team project, lots of back and forth)
Work enters and then it exits after everyone has connected and communicating.
Every organization has ____, plans, vertical communication, horizontal communication, ____, and ______.
Rules, unscheduled meetings, and scheduled meetings.
__________ channels have the same amount of ____________.
Vertical communication,unit task nonroutineness
An increase in task nonroutineness is positively associated with increases in______? (3)
work unit horizontal communication, unscheduled meetings, scheduled meetings
Increases in task uncertainty result in? (2)
decreases in the total volume of vertical unit task communication

increases in the total volume of horizontal unit task communication
Increases in task routineness are positively related to? (2)
increases managers' structuring activities;

increases managers' directiveness
while job characteristics influence a person's attitudes,______ has a stronger influence on employee's attitudes
The relationship between job characteristics and employee attitudes is mediated by?
the unit's technology
(protecting the technical core) Routineness
coding, forecasting
(protecting the technical core) Rationing
(protecting the technical core) Buffering
Acts of reducing uncertainty for the technical core
(protecting the technical core) Smoothing
acts to reduce fluctuations in input and output environments
Units appear to seal off the technical core most frequently by?
Buffering, rountiness
External Environments
All elements existing outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect all or part of the organization.
Organization’s Domain
The set of environment elements that the organization seeks to interact with or had to interact with to accomplish organizational goals.
Subdivisions of the external environment that contains similar elements
Company Domains? (possible 9)
industry, government, technology, human resources, market, socio-cultural, economic conditions, raw material, financial resources.
Four Environment Model and dimensions (hint: PR, PC, DR, TMC)
I) placid -- random
II) placid -- clustered
III) disturbed -- reactive
IV) Turbulent -- Mutual causal
Type I environment
low degree of movement
Type II environment
suppliers and buyers are organized and present potentially powerful coalitions

specific day-by-day operations are subordinate to a master (strategic) plan
Type III environment
fate of organization is linked to a number of similar organizations (oligopoly)

focus on sequential actions designed to draw off the competition

horizontally integrate or acquire similar competing organizations
Type IV environment
direct on extraordinarily high amounts of resources to boundary spanning activity

changes in internal organizational structure are largely induced by the external environment
1st order environment?
Customer (L12) – (X) Focal Organization (L11) – Supplier (L21)
2nd order environment?
all other suppliers and customers
Executive need to identify? (5)
the key factors affecting their organization's performance
Tung’s research examined? (3)
organizational events
magnitude of impact
internal or external sources
Tung’s research derived scores for? (4)
mechanistic or organic structure
long-term/short-term perspective in planning
frequency of changes to plans
The best predictor of perceived environmental uncertainty?
change rate
The best predictor of mechanistic or organic structure?
The best predictor of the frequency of changes to plans?
the number of different organizationally relevant attributes or components in the environments.
the extent to which relations with important environmental components are formalized and reactions to changes in these external components are programmed in advance.
events or components of the external environments are organized or interrelated.
whether a link is indirect or direct between the organization and the environmental component
Change Rate?
tells how much change or how quickly environmental conditions change
Unpredictability of Change?
degree of instability or no-pattern variability associated with change.
Resource Scarcity?
elements for the input environment are lean in areas of needed resources
Output Reception?
the extent to which elements of the output environment are receptive to the organization’s outputs including products, byproducts, and wastes
Domain Choice Flexibility?
the extent to which an organization is free to alter its domain (both inputs and outputs)
High: environmental uncertainty, actual differentiation, and actual integration

Integration Using: teams, roles, departments, hierarchy, plans, and procedures

Influence is: evenly distributed and integrating units has the great impact

(22% integrating)
High: actual integration

Moderate: environmental uncertainty and actual differentiation

Integration Using: roles, hierarchy, plans, and procedures

Influences: evenly distributed, sales & research have the great impact

(17% integrating)
High: actual integrations

Low: environmental uncertainty and actual differentiation

Integration Using: hierarchy, plans, and procedures

Influences: The top workers are high and bottom workers are low, sales have the greatest impact

(0% integrating)
it is critical to locate integrators between?
Sales & research

Production & research units
The influence of integrators must be based on?
Technical competence
must be related to the total performance of the integrating units.
Degree of integrator
influence throughout the organization is a critical factor.
The Integrator Influence?
finding the requisite level of innovation is key
Conflict Resolution Modes?
High Performance organizations use confrontation modes

Poor Performance organizations use smoothing modes
Conflict Management Modes (Confrontation)
joint problem solving or discussing issues until they are done
Conflict Management Modes (Forcing)
pressuring/compelling others until they comply
Conflict Management Modes (Smoothing)
pacifying members or acquiescing to their demands
The most effective organizations make use of _______ and ________.
High differentiation, high integration
Organizational Life Cycle
An imprecise biological metaphor to describe the birth, growth, and death of organizations
Population Ecology
Emphasizes markets chosen and structures established at birth and the match of these features to changes in the external environment.
Org life cycle (real biz facts)
25% of businesses don’t survive the first year

Only 54% of businesses survive 1.5 years

Only 19% have the same owner/survive 10 years

Only 9% survive 20 years

Only 5% survive 30 years

Only 2% survive 50 years
Emergent stage
*Establishment of mission by founder
*Preparation for incorporation
*Recruitment of members
*Initial start up activities leading to one creation of a “product” or one product line
Adolescence stage
*Physical features: one or more product lines, $1 million in assets or debts, and/or 30 or more employees

*Greater than 15% sales growth

*Institutionalization of organizational values, structures, and procedures

*Securing of broader base of clients and financing
Mature stage
*Less than 15% sales growth per year

*Emphasis on diversification and sustained growth

*Leveraging of survival through ties to product suppliers and recipients
Decline stage
*Firms net growth less than national GNP for a four year period

*Solvency (financial and mission) questions

*Loss of products and product lines to competitors or obsolesce
process whereby new norms, values, and structures become incorporated with in the framework of existing patterns of norms, values, and structures
Paradox of success
factors critical to early success lead to failure during institutionalization
Emergent stage (characteristics)
-focus on product development
-coordination is informal, decentralized, and loosely-coupled
-pursuit of niche strategies
-power concentrated with owner-manager or partners
-decision-making style: high risk taking, intuitive, use of integrators, face-to-face dissemination
Adolescent stage (characteristics)
-focus on maintaining production and the organization
-coordination reflects formalization, centralization, and standardization
-horizontal integration of markets
-power to shareholders, but modal technology determines resource sharing
-decision-making style: low risk taking, analytical, use of reporting mechanisms, little face-to-face dissemination
a set of interconnected beliefs that function in a person epistemically and shape how he views the world
Organization Ideology
1. intelligent answer
2. population wants a higher life
3. combines logic and emotion
4. gives nobility and force to a cause
5. units different segments of the populous
(Quinn & Cameron) determinants of effectiveness?
Internal v. external focus

flexibility v. control

ends v. means
(Quinn & Cameron) emphases in the Entrepreneurial Stage
Open sytems criteria

Flexiblilty and growth

Resource acquisition and external support
(Quinn & Cameron) emphases in the Collectivity Stage
Human relations criteria

Internal communication and cooperation

Leadership and member commitment
(Quinn & Cameron) emphases in the Formalization and Control Stage
Rational goal model criteria

Organizational stability

Production efficiency and rules and procedures
(Quinn & Cameron) emphases in the Elaboration of Structure Stage
Open Systems Criteria


Balance of integration & differentation
Cell Division Models
growth is proportionate and incremental
Metamorphosis models
organizations grow in stages with occasional dramatic shocks and reorganizations.
Will-o'-the-Wisp models
growth stems from internally-driven opportunistic motivations or externally-driven product development demands.
Decision process models
organizations forage over their resource bases and make assumptions about relationships among units within the organization and between organizations.
Liability of Newness
as the “new kid on the block” new organizations cannot afford to make many mistakes due to few resources
protect market share
look for new markets; eagerly exploit and make new relationships with other organizations
cautious, over analyze
respond without clear, long-term plans
Environmental impingements
are external events (economic downturns, new competitors, changes in the market’s disposition toward a product, etc.) that eliminate product markets or capital and human resources
R - strategists
quick exploitation of the market
K - strategists
efficient exploitation of the market
Inertia and resistance to adapting new structures and strategic orientations comes from the organization’s _____, the behavioral reinforcement of ____, & the formalization of _________.
ideology, prior success, roles & norms
Only a ____________breaks an organization out of its established patterns
dramatic, major event