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115 Cards in this Set

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refers to a researcher’s application of a worldview about knowledge when studying a topic.


is an attempt to explain something.


Generally XX is a female and XY is a male. The authors use the word “generally” since there are many exceptions to this rule. The argue that intersex persons prove there are more than two sexes.


Androgens, progesterone, estrogen and testosterone exist in both male and female bodies at varying levels.

Symbolic Interactionism

People create personal identities through their communication with others. People assume gender “roles” because of society’s expectations.

Two-Culture Theory

Genders constitute their own cultural group and this can cause a break-down in communication between them.

Standpoint Theory

Social groups , such as gender, influence our perception and experience in the world.


is the daily unconscious communication of gender and Performance of gender can be playful and creative.

Queer Theory

A political approach that challenges agreed upon categories of sex/gender.

John Money theory

“children are not born with a gender identity, but rather form an understanding of gender through their social upbringing.”


Ramos’ mother brought action to force the hospital to accept her consent on behalf of her 3 year old child. Ultimately the court denied her this request.


The parents were not properly informed about alternatives, therefore; the child’s rights were violated.

hegemonic masculinity:

involves social dominance, achieved through cultural practices, discursive centrality, and marginalization of alternatives

emphasized femininity

accommodates the interests and desires of men through emphasis on vulnerability, fragility, acceptance of marriage, sexual receptivity, and motherhood

pariah femininities

Schipper’s term for defiant femininity that refuses to engage in subordination and therefore constitutes a threat to hegemonic masculinity.

Alternative femininities

-create intragender dynamics for femininities

-sustain gender relations

-challenge the intergender relationships

between masculinities and femininities

Ambiguous loss has been studied in

military deployment situations

-families with autistic members

-families with members who experience





referes to the innate biological characteristics of an individual based on genitalia,chromosomes,and hormones

*female,male,and interest

Gender identity

refers to a persons internal definition and interpretation of self in relationship to gender. this identity may or may not depend on a persons

biological sex

gender dysphoria

the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex

is the feeling the sex of their bodies "isn't right"

gender confusion

"Persistent discomfort about one's assigned sex or a sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex."

biological determinism

refers to the idea that all human behavior is innate, determined by genes, brain size, or other biological attributes.


a sex organ that produces sperm or eggs : a testicle or an ovary


the sexual organs,the testicles and penis of a male or the labia, clitoris, and vagina of a female


believe “truth” is objective and use experiments, surveys, and statistical analyses.


views link “truth” to human perceptions and use qualitative research methods.


views link knowledge to the personal and political and research methods vary.


(race and sex/gender)

the passer

(performer of a privileged identity)

the clairvoyant

(sees through the pass)

the dupe

(believes the passer)

susie phipps

parents were born "colored but died white"


2000 us census

use of new racial categories reveal how the power to name groups and assign individuals to these groups affects many aspects of social policy and social justice.

Sean O’neill

a 17 year old boy in colorado springs, big temper,girlfriend broke up with him and got him into trouble, threated to kill her.police asked for id and he handed them a colorada id made out to sharon clark. He admitted then and there that he was a she. He was charged with criminal impersonation and sexual assault.

Brandon Teena

when arrested gave the police and id w the name of “teena brandon” so they put him in the womens cell. After bandons new girlfriend and her ex boyfriend posted bail rumor began spreading that brandon was a woman. To explain his occupancy in the womens cell block brandon told lana he was a hermaphrodite. At a christmas party nissen and his friend grabbed brandon and striped him of his underwear revealing labia and presumably a vagina,but not a penis.later, they abducted brandon beating and raping him repeatedly. The sherrif did not arrest these men even though they had prior convictions.a week later nissen and lotter went to the house brandon was staying and shot and stabbed brandon and then shot his two friends.

Today’s dads

spend more time caring for children than their fathers’ generation. however..

Women perform a disproportionate amount of child care and domestic work.

promise keepers

are a Christian men’s organization that expresses:

-commitment to the local church an its


-moral and sexual purity

-unity across race and ethnicity

-building strong marriages through “love, protection and biblical values”

-investment in relationships with a small group of like-minded men


Non-traditional work scheduling practice which allows full-time employees to choose their individual starting and quitting times within certain limits (such as 'not earlier than 5 a.m.' and 'not later than 9 p.m.

lesbian and gay quest

A Group for Lesbian and Gay Catholics Records

Which of the following sets of lenses most powerfully influenced readers’ interpretations of Wild at Heart?

-gender and age

Women involved in the campus fellowship

reacted to Wild at Heart with

-anger and tears

A type of masculinity within Promise Keepers that urges men to communicate with their wives and cultivate emotional vulnerability with their families and other men is known as

-expressive egalitarian

Promise Keepers PK men follow these four pillars of authentic masculinity:

-king, warrior, mentor, friend

NOW stands for

National Organization for Women

The Stonewall riot took place in

New York city in 1969

Discrimination based on sex/gender is named


The book, written by Betty Friedan in 1963, about her experiences as a suburban wife and mother is called

The Feminine Mystique

T/F Evangelical refers to a belief in the Bible as an accurate account of Jesus’s life.


T/F john Eldredge’ book Wild at Heart encourages masculinity that involves being a “self made man.”


T/F Women in the Gallagher & Wood study were angered by the Wild at Heart and hated it.


T/F The Equal Rights Amendment was ratified in 1972.


T/F Phyllis Schlafly is the author of The Feminine Mystique.


T/F Phyllis Schlafly organized STOP ERA.


T/F The Equal Rights Amendment passed through Congress in 1972 but failed to be ratified by the states.


Expressive egalitarian

A type of masculinity within Promise Keepers that urges men to communicate with their wives and cultivate emotional vulnerability with their families and other men.

Multicultural man

A type of masculinity within Promise Keepers that urges racial reconciliation through forgiveness and connections between individuals.

Authentic masculinity

A type of masculinity within Promise Keepers that encourages men to take responsibility in their family to provide, protect, teach and love

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Legislation that banned discrimination in the United States based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion and gender.

Equal Rights Amendment

An amendment to the United States Constitution to ensure equal rights for women. The amendment passed through Congress in 1972 but failed to be ratified by the states.

President’s Commission on the Status of Women

A report issued in the United States in 1963 that called for an end to sex discrimination

Linear career model

The organizational model that rewards long work hours and is dismissive of work-life balance

Control of information in organizations is called

work life

Division of household labor

The assignment of roles and tasks that pertain to homecare and childrearing is named

t/f In race/sex passing, the person who sees through the pass is named the clairvoyant.


Suzie Guillory Phipps attempted to pass as a man.


Squires and Brouwer link the ideas of marginal and dominant media to relative positions of power.


Tracy and Rivera found that male executives practice and envision traditional work-life arrangements for their children.


-Tracy and Rivera found that fathering is equally integral to mothering for male executives.


tracy and Rivera found that woman’s work is framed as a “choice” by male executives.


Within the context of “passing” as explained by Squires & Brouwer, the __________________ refers to someone who performs a privileged identity.


Within the context of “passing” as explained by Squires & Brouwer, the __________________ refers to someone who sees through the pass.


Within the context of “passing” as explained by Squires & Brouwer, the __________________ refers to someone who believes the passer.


____________ __________ is a term that references the boundary between individual’s work experiences and private life. This article specifically focuses on this concept in relationship to gender, family, and organizational power.

work life

Practices of communication that guide expectations and actions of gendered behavior are called _________________ _________________.

gendered scripts

_________________ is a theory used to analyze individual and group interactions in organizations in the Tracy and Rivera article.

-Structuration theory

Medical sex assignment for intesexed infants has been practiced in the United States since


The theory that children are not born with a gender identity was first introduced by

john money

ISNA is a group that advocates for the rights of

intersex individuals

A psychological category used by the American Psychiatric Association to describe a person’s strong disassociation from their assigned sex/gender is named

gender dysphoria

The partial or total removal of female genitalia is named

gender mutilation

According to Haas, between 1.7 and 4% of the world population is born with intersex conditions.


Initial genital reconstruction surgeries are typically performed in the sixth month of an infant’s life.


In the Columbian Constitutional court case of Ramos, the court found that a child’s rights were violated because of forced sex assignment at birth.


Haas describes the 1972 experimental sex assignment surgery of ____________ ____________, a male child who had accidentally been castrated during a routine circumcision.

Bruce Reimer

In her discussion of the United States’ laws concerning the right of intersexuals, Haas includes the constitutional right to privacy and bodily autonomy provided by the ____________ Amendment.


___________________ ___________________ is a form of masculinity that creates social dominance for men through cultural practices and marginalization of

-Hegemonic Masculinity

according to Connell, a form of femininity that highlights the asymmetrical position of masculinities and femininities is named _______________ femininities.


According to Schippers, a form of femininity that involves communicated behaviors that challenge traditional expectations of femininity is named _______________ femininities.


According to Schippers, a form of femininity that includes communicated behaviors of hegemonic masculinity is named _________________ femininities.


A ____________ refers to a researcher’s application of a worldview about knowledge when studying a topic.


The worldview that links “truth” to human perceptions and use qualitative research methods is named


The sex of a fetus is determined by its


Sex is a term that refers to

the innate biological characteristics of an individual,s most commonly associated with the terms female and male.

Lorber argues that the sport of gymnastics is specifically designed for


The Lorber article describes this activity as

liberating and symbolic for early feminists


The corpus callosum in the brain is larger in males


Performativity is the daily unconscious communication of gender.


According to Lorber, neither sex nor gender are pure categories.


In the cases of chromosomal ambiguity, male Olympic athletes are more likely than female athletes to be required to undergo genital and/or chromosomal tests.


______________ theory explains how social groups , such as gender, influence our perception and experience in the world.


According to DeFrancisco and Palczewski, the hormone ________________ has been linked to attempts to dominate, gain power over others, and express anger.


-According to DeFrancisco and Palczewski, the ______________ of gender can be playful and creative.


_______________________ is a term that refers to a person’s internal definition and interpretation of self in relationship to gender.

gender identity

To discuss biological sex and gender socialization, Lorber uses ____________ and ____________ competence.

-sports, and technology

An argument to see, order, and explain the world in a particular way.


A theory that suggests that gender is determined by communication with others in society

symbolic interactionism

A term that refers to the innate biological characteristic of an individual based on genitalia, chromosomes, and hormones.


The hormone that aids in the development of male sex organs.


The hormone that aids in the stimulation of low voices and body hair at puberty for males.


A theory that explains why and how men and women experience “miscommunication.”

two-culture theory

Title VII

the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion.

encouraged new coalitions between feminists and labor and civil right groups of all kinds

how did older women feel about "wild at heart"

The older women were not angered or offended by the gendering of women in the book.

what % of men place family time at the top of their work-life priorities.


Organizational policies

do not reward family-friendly practice