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23 Cards in this Set

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Houseof Burgesses

- First representative form of gov't in Colonial America

- Jamestowne, VA

-step towards democracy

Triangular Trade

Trade route between Africa, Europe and the Americas

Columbian Exchange

Exchange of goods, ideas, and diseases between the old world and the new world.

Mayflower Compact

document signed by the Pilgrims on the mayflower that they would create a gov't that would benefit the colony.

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

basis for law, written by Thomas Hooker, document that establish law and religion

religious toleration

accepting others religious beliefs

William Penn

founder and leader of PA


Thomas Hooker

Founder and leader of Connecticut

Fled MA to settle in Hartford

James Edward Olgethorpe

Founder and leader of GA

wanted to create a haven for debtors

hoped to create a utopia

Peter Stuyvesant

Gov't of NY

had a wooden leg


Native Americans that taught the pilgrims how to raise crops in Plymouth


Indian Princess who saved John Smith, married John Rolfe


goods that are shipped (exit) to other countries


goods that are brought IN to a country

slave codes

laws that controlled the lives ofenslaved African Americans and denied them basic rights.


the belief that one race is superior to another.

Transatlantic Slave Trade

Trading of Africans (as goods) across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa to Americas

Middle Passage

refers to the journey of the slaves on slave trading ships west across the Atlantic.


an economic ($) theory that anation became strong by keeping strict control over its trade.

Navigation Acts

series of English laws in the1650’s that regulated trade between England and its colonies

· Purpose-to ensure that only England benefited from colonial trade


A type of gov’t ruled by a kingor queen

Great Awakening

religious movement in the Englishcolonies in the early 1700’s.

John Peter Zenger

Publisher of NY Weekly Journal who stood trial for printing criticism of the Governor. Plead Not guilty and WON!

-IMPORTANCE:Colonists gain Freedom of PRESS