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5 Cards in this Set

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1.mins is like a computer with input- process- output.

2. Mental processes are the key to understanding behaviour.

LOFTUS AND PALMER:key theme=memory.

Aim- to see if leading questions can effect eye witness testamony and after even info can effect memory of an event.

Sample-ex 1,45 students ex2,150 students.

Procedure- LAB,IMD, ex1- watched 7 safety car crash vids and each had frontal questions, each group had different verb when asked how fast the car was going when it smashes, collided, contacted, bumped, hit. Ex2 shown 1 min clip of car crash vids, then asked question with verbs hit smashed and control, then a week later asked if they saw any broken glass.

Result- ex1 smashed,40.5 contacted,38.1. Ex2 16/50 said yes to broken glass in smashed and 6/50 in control group.

Conclusion-post event information can dosort memory And eye witness testimony are unreliable.

GRANT:key theme=memory

Aim-to show that environmental context improves test performance when tested in the same condition than studied in.

Sample-39 ps, from uk, 1 ps results where removed.

Procedure-LAB,IMD,IV-what condition you studied in and what condition you where tested in,DV-result on mcq and short answer questions,all ps wore headphones whilst reading an article on psycoimuniogy, ps in noisy condition could hear pre-recorded sound of uni cafeteria,after readin they had 2 min break then answered 10 short answer questions and 16 multiple choice questions.

Results-14.3 in matched silent condition on mcq vs 12.7 on mis matched condition on mcq.

Conclusion-revising in the same condition will improve performance and in silent conditions.

MORAY:key them= attention.

Background- cherry’s cockatiel party theory.

Aim-to investigate cherry theory and other factors that can affect dichotic listening.

Sample- Ex1,unknown Ex2,12 Ex3,28, all undergrads.

Procedure-LAB. Ex1=RMD,IV is shadowed prose and rejected words (35) DV is number of words recognised correctly in rejected message. Ex2=RMD,IV is whether or not instructions started with ps name or not DV is number of instructions recalled. Ex3=IMD,IV is whether ps where told to listen out for number or told that they would just be questioned on the shadow prose DV is number of digits correctly recalled.

Results-Ex1, recognition test out of 7, shadowed message 4.9 and rejected message 1.9. Ex2 effective instructions with name 20/39 and with no name 4/36. Ex3 no sig dif between groups.

Conclusions-important messages such as names are the only things that can penetrate the attentional block.

SIMON AND CHABRIS:key theme= Memory.

Aim- investigate inattentional blindness for complex objects and events in dynamic scenes.

Sample-228 volunteers took part because where given a candy bar but 38ps data was removed.

Procedure-LAB,IMD,IV= gorilla/umbrella women, transparent/opaque, black/white team, easy/hard, 4 75sec videos where unexpected event happened between 44-48 seconds,ps told to watch and count number of passes for there team,then they where asked about the vidoe and if they saw unexpected event,then they where debriefed.

Results-54% noticed unexpected event and 46% didn’t.

Conclusions-people have inattentional blindness to events when focused on something else.