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27 Cards in this Set

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The best herb to clear damp heat toxins and reduce fire, treat cough with yellow sticky phlegm, clear heat and toxins from GB, clam a restless fetus because of heat and to stop bleeding when charred

Huang Qin: Pregnant Cat with fan at Upper Jiao with damp heat in stomach or intestines for diarrhea(clear heat dry damp)

Best herb to clear damp heat, clear fire and clean toxins, enter the heart, stomach, liver, and large Intestine, clear stomach fire, clear heat fire, and clear damp heat diarrhea or dysentary

Huang Lian: Cat walking over toxic reckless hot blood fire (clear heat dry damp)

Best herb to clear heat from the liver/gallbladder and treat either fire rising to the head with dizziness, headache, red eyes, irritability or damp heat in lower jiao with painful swollen genitals, leucorrhea and UTI

Long Dan Cao: Cat with damp heat radiating from head and eyes, licking genitals being attacked by two liver wind heat dogs (clear heat dry damp)

Herb clears heat and dries damp in the lower jiao, promotes urination, expels wind, stops itching, kills parasites, worms, and fungal infections and lower jiao damp heat syndromes

Ku Shen: Cat sailing in ocean of urine (clear heat, dry damp)

herb that clears heat toxins, dry damp, clear damp heat from lower jiao, clear damp heat sinking to the lower extremities and also clear deficiency heat from the Kidney

Huang Bai: cat with toxic mouse over kidney fire shaped water bowl with hot damp legs (clear heat dry damp)

herb treats excess heat and deficiency heat abscess and accumulation especially in lower jiao, move blood to remove blood stasis and also clear heat and cools the blood

Mu Dan Pi: Arctic Fox getting blood moving on Blood moving stair machine having hard time with liver rising (Clear heat, cool blood)

Herb is able to clear heat and cool the blood at the ying and xue level, enters the shoo-in and is able to nourish the yin

Sheng Di Huang: Artic Fox in car that clear heat in blood filling up at nourish yin generate fluid gas pump- wasting thirst signs (clear heat, cool blood)

Herb is able to dissolve nodules and phlegmatic occlusions while also being able to nourish yin and clear heat and cool the blood

Xuan Shen: arctic fox balancing on nodule and holding a toxic T and nourish yin bone

Herb treats constipation due to blood, yin, or body fluid deficiency because it can strongly moisten bowels

Hou Ma Ren: nourish yin blood (Drain Downward)

Herb can clear heat, reduce fire ,clean toxins, move the blood and remove stasis, stop bleeding and is the best herb to purge accumulation and stagnation due to either heat or cold

Da Huang: Snake purgative: yangming syndrome cowboy starting snake fire (drain downward)

Move Blood to remove blood stasis

Da Huang, Zi Cao, Mu Dan Pi

Severe LV heat, UTI, hepatitis

Long Dan Cao (clear heat, dry damp)

Clears heat from heart, Insomnia

Huang Lian (Clear heat, dry damp)

Cools blood and nourish Yin

Sheng Di Huang (clear heat, cool blood)

Enters the GB, clears Lung heat

Huang Qin (clear heat, dry damp)

Deficiency heat, damp heat

Huang Bai (clear heat, dry damp)

Patient presents with diarrhea, dysentary with pus, mucus, and blood in their stool, they have a yellow greasy tongue and their pulse is slippery and wiry

Huang Lian, Huang Bai, bai tou weng, and qin pi

Patient presents with constipation dry hard stool dark red rashes on skin of their arms and legs that itch and urinary hesitation with burning pain and itching upon urine:

da huang, mang xiao, sheng di huang, ku shen

yangming heat toxins, treats heart

huang lian (clear heat dry damp)

soften stool, purge and clear heat

mang xiao (drain downward)

good with chai hu, lung phlegm heat

huang qin (clear heat, dry damp)

moisten intestines, nourish blood

huo ma ren (drain downward)

Soften hard phlegm, nourish yin

Xuan Shen (clear heat cool blood)

cool ying and xue, nourish yin

Sheng di Huang (clear heat cool blood)

Deficiency heat, excess LJ damp heat

huang Bai (clear heat, dry damp)

purge stool, clean toxin, move blood

Da Huang (drain downward)

Abscess, deficiency heat, moves blood

Mu Dan Pi (clear heat, move blood)