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157 Cards in this Set

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Athena's Birth
Father Zeus and mother Metis (Wisdom). Zeus ate Metis because the was a prophecy that Zeus would have a son greater than himself. Zeus has headache, Hephaistos opens Zeus' head with an Axe, Athena Leaps out fully armored and grown. Not of female born which makes her asexual, Violent(Warrior goddess) and Sacrifice (cutting into Zeus head)
Athena's three powers or characteristics
Prowess, Wisdom, "masculinity" of her virgin nature.
Athena's Iconography
Shield, helmet, raised weapon, owl, aegis, striding-(always moving)
Epithets of Athena
A. Parthenos-virgin or maiden, refers to her birth too, non female, nonsexual
A. Polias: of the city (her favorite city Acropolis.
Weapon brandishing
Epithets of Athena (Con.)
Tritogenia- River, Lake, Area. Maybe has this name because of lake Triton or tritonis (Boeotia, Libya), goddess of sea waters, raised by triton.
Pallas (Triton's daughter) Story of hte Epithets of Athena
Practiced arts of war with Athena, the two had a quarrel and Zeus interfered and gave Athena the Aegis, Athena Kills Pallas. Then grieving, she takes Pallas' name as an Epithet
Ergane Epithet of Athena
Worker or Inventor, wool working , loom, spindle, flute (got the idea from the Gorgons), carpentry, chariot, ship, bit, bridle,Domestication and use of the olive.
Law Court
man made laws replace Lex Talonis
Rational Help "shining eyes" Victory or victory bringer
Athena as a warrior compared to Ares
She is lucid, rational, strategic and planning whereas Ares brings blood lust and brutality.
Athena is merciless to her enemies this is shown with the myth of Arachne
Arachne claimed to spin better than Athena, Athena challenges her. Arachne's loom has horrible dishonorable acts of the gods, this pisses of Athena and Athena beats Arachne with the loom and then turns Arachne into a spider so she will forever spin
Athena's Relationship with Hephaestus
Both are Benefactors, cultural gods, both hold special worship in Athens. Hephaestus aids in Athena's birth.
Athena's relationship with Poseidon
Poseidon may rule the sea and be the god of horses, but Athena built the first ship and made the bridle. She competes with her uncle a lot
Contest of naming Athens
Poseidon and Athena present the people of Athens with presents and the people chose which is the better gift and that god will have a special worship there. Poseidon gives either a salt water spring or The best horse in the world. Athena gives the Olive tree
Athena's relationship with Zeus
She is Zeus' favorite daughter, He gives her part of the aegis (which controls the winds)
She is male and Female, she is an inside and outside goddess and is near and far
Athena Intellectual aspects and cultural aspects
Deification of rational thought, planning, advice and strategy
Athena as a war goddess
She is a friend to the heroes, She moves Justice to the fair, From Blood (Odyssey) to Justice (Oresteia)
Younger generation of gods
Athena, Apollo and Artemis, represent new order of divinity younger generation and advanced state of civilization
Aphrodite's birth stories
Castration of Uranus (Hesiod) or From Zeus and Dione- dione is the female version of dios meaning god, so she was borne of the male and female aspects of Zeus (Plato)
Aphrodite's Epithets
Cypria:because after the castration of Uranus she came ashore on the island of Cyprus.
Cythera: Important city on Cyprus
Aphrodite Urania=Celestial Aphrodite-Aphrodite (heavenly) born from the castration of uranus
Aphrodite Pandemos= common people-she belongs to everyone
Aphrodite's Duality Shown in Epithets
Sacred and Profane Love
Urania-strong, smarter, pure, spiritial, itellectual, Philosophical and religious.
Pandemos- more physical: attraction and procreation
Aprhodite's Attributes
Chariot Drawn by Swallows, doves, swans (These are also her token animals)
Aphrodite's Sacrifice
She prefers incense, flowers and Doves
Classical Era- Flowing Robe, Magic Belt (Girdle), Updo (mature women always wore their hair up)
Post Classical-Naked, hair down.
The earliest naked statue is of Aphrodite
She is mature, lush, beautiful
Aphrodite's attendants
Female-Graces-(Charites)- represents aspects of beauty
Seasons-hours-(horae) (Cosmos,Cosmetic)-without order there can not be beauty
Male-Priapus-fertility god, statues are mainly in gardens or house doors (always has an erection)
Eros birth stories
-born of Aphrodite and Ares
-Hesiod-cosmic force, born of chaos-holds everything together
-Classical era-she represents male homosexual love
Roman times-cupid-fat child with a bow an arrow
Aphrodite's partners
Ares-union of elemental forces, illegal relationship-love & war, creation & destruction
Hephaestus-Polar opposites-legal marriage-beauty & deformity
Overwhelming, insatiable in battle, destructive, not a god you want to call into your presence therefore he does not have an epithets
Ares Iconography
Armor, bronze war chariot, said to be made of all bronze
Ares Attendants
Phobos (fear) and Deimos (terror)
Ares Origin
Thrace, norther Greece-wild and barbaric-ares is hated by zeus-he is forced to stay there because none of the other gods want him on him on mount olympus
Hephaistos and Ares
Hephaistos is an enemy of ares. Cultral god vs. war god. Destroys humans in war vs. protects the human race. Both Hephaistos and Ares are outsider gods. Physical imperfection:limp-Hephaistos is the most human of all the gods, Ares heart is made of bronze
Hephaistos most important cult centers
Athens and Lemnos
Scapegoat, buffoon, peacemaker, literally cast out of heaven by zeus and hera. isolated by his talent and serious nature, patron god of creators and inventors, shares worship with Athena
Aphrodite and Ares punishment
Hephaestus catches them in the act with a net. all of the gods came and looked at them, they all laughed at Hephaestus except Poseidon who convinced Hephaestus to let them go
Aphrodite's partners and epithets
Smiling and dangerous, she launches the Trojan war with the Golden apple myth
Myth of Adonis
Aphrodite falls in love with baby Adonis and gives him to Persephone and she falls in love with him too, so they decide that Adonis has to be put to death for the earth to be reborn. Earth mother and consort whose sacrifices ensures rebirth
Artemis & Apollo's birth story
Zeus & Leto, Hera is pissed that Zeus slept with Leto, so she threatens every city that might harbor leto. Delos allows her to give birth there because they have nothing to lose. Apollo builds a temple there later for them allowing her to stay there. Leto is in labor for nine days because hera trapped eileithyia(the childbirth goddess). Artemis births herself and then helps with apollo.
Artemis Birth goddess
She becomes a childbirth goddess very closely associated with death and destruction especially birth and destruction of young animals
Myth of Niobe the Theban Queen
Thebes celebrates Leto anually, Niobe (granddaughter of Atlas) boast that she is a better mother than Leto because she has seven daughters and seven sons. Leto complains to her kids, Artemis (kills the girls) and Apollo (kills the boys) then kill off all of Niobe's children one by one. Zeus takes pity on Niobe and turns her into a rock. Tears constantly run from that rock
Myth of Actaeon
Son of Cadmus (Thebes) he is a hunter who sees Artemis bathing by accident. Artemis is furious and turns him into a stag saying tell if you can (he still has a human mind) His own hunting dogs tear from limb from limb
Myth of Callisto
Companion of Artemis, suppose to remain virginal, Zeus visits her in disguise as Artemis herself. Artemis later sees that callisto is pregnant, she banishes her. gives birth to son Arcas. Hera then turns callisto into a bear, tormented and hunted for 15 years always looking for Arcas. Finds him and is nearly killed by him, Zeus intervenes and turns the both of them into constellations
(ursa major & ursa minor) (Etiological myth)
Myth of Orion
Mighty hunter, son of Gaea and poseidon, clears chios of wild beasts, see artemis, attempts to rape her, artemis produces scorpion that stings orion to death. also said to pursue the Pleiades (daughters of Atlas), all become constellations (pleiades,orion, Sirius(orion's dog)
Artemis Iconograpy
young, adolescent, long flowing hair, short chiton(dress), bow and arrow, torch.
Artemis domain
Hills,heights, mountains, pastures, isolated, lonely wooded glens
Artemis compainions
Nymphs and hunters, apollo and leto
Artemis moon goddess
associated with selene moon goddess fertility and hecate fertility and the earth, hades, crossroads and black magic
Artemis tripartite worship
sky earth and underworld, despite all of the associations with selene and hecate, she is best understood as the virgin huntess goddess of nature
Artemis Epithets
Potnia-theron(linear b), mistess of animals, mistress of wild nature, Duality beautiful and frightening, nurturing and deadly, patron of young animals, Hagne-pure, chaste, virginal
Artemis temple teaching
Brauron Attica, temple training & initiation rites for young women, "little bears" special sacrifice their hair, these are her companions until they marry (chastity)
What kind of goddess is Artemis?
She asks her father Zeus to remain a virgin, Outdoor, Old, Near(nurturing of young animals), far(huntress)
Apollo Iconography
Young, adolescent, slim, long hair, beardless
Apollo's attributes
lyre, bow and arrow
Apollo's companions
artemis, leto, muses
Apollo's domains
pstron god of music, poetry,art.
Domain: sky and the heights
Where was apollo born
he was born on Delos Island of the Cyclades
Apollo's quest
leaves Olympus, travels to build a shrine, the naval world omphalos, where zeus's eagles meet, slays monstrous she dragon (pytho) and builds his temple on the site of an earlier temple (Gaea or Themis) on crete Delphi on Mt. Parnassos
Apollo's epithets
Pythian Apollo-slayer of the dragon, Delphinius-links with crete, turns himself into a dolphin and leaps aboard a cretan ship to recruit priests
Pythian (apollo)
pythian games, Pythia: priestess, shrine or temple for oracles:prophecy and advicing Loxias:seer or phophet, known world would come to Delphi for prophecies, Pythia would swoon and rave, Priests put this into metered ambiguous verses I.E. Great kingdom will be destroyed, Nothing too much (dont be too ambishious) and know thyself (be a human don't try to be a god)
Apollo's epithets
Phoebus-brilliant, reborn, Sun god. Associated with Mt. Helikon and muses; physical light becomes identified with ittellectual light. Far-shooter(Seen in the myths of Niobe and the Iliad) Epikoursious healer, medicine and the art of healing
Partners of Apollo
Coronis, Crow:adultery, pierces her with arrown but then repents, rescues unborn child from pyre (first C-section) and his son Ascelpius is the first doctor (healer) of the ancient world
Hermes birth
Mother Maia (Pleiades, Nymph), he was born in Arcadia(dark and mysterious, cave in greece, wild and uncivilized)
Hermes 1st day of life
toddles out of cave, finds tortoise and invents lyre, tracks cattle of the gods, cuts 50 from flock, drives cattle in reverse so they cant be tracked and invents sand sandals that dont leave tracks
Hermes 2nd day of life
Produces fire (invents fire stick) makes it easy for men to make fires, linked with Prometheus (first gives fire to mankind) and Hephaestus who uses fire in art form. Kills two of the cows, makes 12 sacrifices for each of the gods, burns evidence, returns home to a suspicious mother, pretends to be an innocent child.
Hermes plans another trick
Hermes plans to go to Delphi to steal treasures from Apollo
Apollo finds out about Hermes and the cattle
He tracks hermes down to his cave, threatens to throw him into Tartarus, hermes lies, Reconciliation with Apollo (via Zeus) They exchange gifts, Hermes sings Apollo's praises with hiss new Lyre which he gives to Apollo as a present (which is worth 50 cows) and suggests that apollo gives him a gift in return, Hermes becomes the herdsman Pastoral, patron god of the fields
Hermes Iconography
youthful, even boyish, slender but has a beard-suggest that his nature is dualistic, travelers hat, herald's wand, wings(sometimes attached to shoulders, sometimes to his sandals)
Hermes Attributes
clever, tricky, playful, curious, drives him to new acheivements
Hermes Epithets
Herdsman, Argeiphontes-killer of the beast Argos(hera's beast) sent after Io many eyes. History is other than his birth. Psychopompos-leads the dead from the world aboce to the world below, liminal space.
Hermes Powers
messenger for the gods, luckgiver-travel, shepherds, thieves, gamblers, patron god for anyone on the road
Hermes Domain
Arcadia, Liminal space-threshold that exists between two places, Graves, roads and caves- because they are all thresholds
Hermes Special Column
Herm, square pillar, decorated with male genitals and hermes head, suggests Fertility god-boundary markers in gardens or at the door
Hermes token animals
Herds mainly sheep
3 main areas of importance for Hermes
1. fertility (nymphs)multiplies flocks, nautral world, relationships with nymphs and their offspring.
2. Thieves and Rustlers-he helps everyone
3.Divine trickster-culture god
Hermes Duality
Shepherd/ Rustler, Liminal space-boundary crosser. Life and death-Psychopompos-leads dead to the underworld. Sleep and Dreams- human conciousness, Hermaphrodite-both male & femal parts and sexual appetites and he is worshiped in all caves
Hermes Special Sacrifices
invoke when libations(liquid offering) are poured to the dead, care for grave, own worship in caves.
Goat god, half man, half goat, son of Hermes or Apollo (not sure) He is a shepherd and musician. Lives in the mountains of arcadia, caves, human nature is animal nature, uncivilized state and rampant sexuality.
Pan's music
Pan pipes- love affair gone wrong, which is why the pipes were created. Pursues nymph Syrinx, she is transformed into reeds, which pan turns into an instrument both enchants and causes insanity
Panic Attacks
music that pushs people to insanity, overwhelms people
Myth of Echo (two versions)
Flees from Pan, Pan inspires panic in Shepherds who tear her apart and only her voice remains.
Myth of Echo and Narcissus
Narcissus-very beautiful son of a water nymph, echo is a talkative nymph who tells hera stories that allows Zeus to cheat while she is busy, Punishes Echo with only the ability to repeat the last word of what was said, she falls in love with Narcissus but cant tell him how she feels and wastes away.
Narcissus' punishment for writing off Echo
He falls in love with himself and is unable to tear himself away from his image to eat (Sees himself in pool), Loves & not possessable. Self love is painful & Damaging.
grain goddess, mother earth
Demeter's daughter, Kore, daughter of Zeus
god of the underworld, he rapes and makes persephone his queen
Attendant to persephone once she becomes queen of the underworld
Sun god who witnesses persephone's rape and tells demeter about it
Messenger god
city where demeter goes looking for persephone after her abduction
Celeus and metaneira
king and queen of Eleusis
maid servant of Celeus and Metaneira, who finds demeter crying and tells her dirty vulgar jokes
Future leader of Eleusis, son of Celeus and metaneira. He name as a baby was Demophoon
Myth of Persephone and Demeter
Persephone was out picking Narcissus flowers, she is kidnapped by Hades and taken to the underworld with the premission of Zeus, Her father.
Demeter and the nine days
She wanders the earth for nine days looking for her daughter without eating or drinking, bathing or resting. On the tenth day Hecate heard about what happened and went to ask helios, he tells hecate what happened
Demeter and the city of Eleusis
She goes her disguised as an old woman, meets Iambe, Tells her a semi-true story about what happened, Iambe feels bad for her and tells her dirty jokes and coaxes Demeter to drink meal water and mint drink, Demeter drinks but does not eat. Iambe takes demeter to the king and Queen
Demeter and Baby Demophoon
Demeter offers to be the nurse for The king and queen's baby. Demeter attempts to deify to the boy with fire baths and Nectar and ambrosia. Queen walks in and is terrified, Demeter gets pissed, and gives a curse and a promise, civil war for Eleusis, until they establish a temple in her honor and teach her rites.
Hermes and Hecate are sent to the underworld
they go to the under world sent by zeus to tell hades that he has to send persephone back to earth because Demeter is not letting the earth grow anything
Persephone and the pomegranate
Persephone eats six seed of pomegranate when she is in the underworld, Hades gives them to her so she will have to come back, she lives on earth for 6 months and in the underworld for 6 months of the year. Persephone forever remains in the virginal aspect of her life, she never has kids.
Demeters Iconography
mature woman, lush figure, shown with crown and torch and holds grain
Demeters companions
Persephone and Triptolemus-messenger of demeter, spreading arts of agriculture
Demeter's Domain
earth, agriculture- grain sowing, threshing, harvest,
Demeter's cult
Harvest or sowing festivals, mystery religion-temple of Eleusis
Demeter's epithets
"mother" Persephone/kore (demeters daughter) 2 aspects of a single earth goddess, both are kind of combined together.
Demeter and Persephone
Demeter-Ripe grain, Summer, fall, mother, childbearing, maturity, life. Persephone- budding shoots, winter spring, daughter, child, virgin, bride, youth, life after death. Metaphorical reading of myth: life and death in nature, in females, and in the human world. Ritual and belief center around a central mystery which can be revealed only to initiates.
son of Zeus and Semele(princess of Thebers) brags to her sister that she has a lover that is a god in disguise, they tell her to ask him to show himself, Semele bursts into flames and Zeus takes child and puts it in his thigh-which gives Dionysus-his sexual aspects like his father
Dionysus Attendants (females)
Females:Maenads,Bacchants-all female groups in the mountains, wild, eat raw animals, wild hair, not afraid of anything, feed wild animals from own breasts, makes wine flow from the earth. Have torches and animal skins
wand decorated with Ivy and pinecones, associated with the female attendants of Dionysus
Dionysus attendants (males)
Satyrs or silenoi: horse's tails and ears, goat's beards and horned ears, cloven feet, leather phallus
Dionysus Iconography
Youthful, but plump and bearded and tipsy. Dionysus is never shown alone in art
Dionysus Chariot
panther (associated with the near east)
Thiasos Dionysus
Din or frenzy of his followers and music
Dionysus Cult or token objects
Pine trees, ivy, vine, Masks-he is the god of tragedies, Pillar-ivy covered with masked face and exaggerated phallus
Myth of how dolphins came about.
dionysus is passed out on an island, sailors come in for fresh water and kidnap him and ransome him back to his family. Bear on one end of the ship and panther on the other. Ivy grew on the oars. He then turned the sailors into dolphins (with human mind) and so they will always seek out humans and approach them
Dionysus domain
wine celebrations specific festivals delphi and athens
Tragedy Dithramb
song sung for dionysus ecstatic music and instruments:eastern culture
Dionysus's birth place, in the near east
Dionysus Epithets
Ivy crowned, god of wine and revelry, gives joy to humans, worshipped in the frenzy, god of transformation (physical or mental), Reborn, One makes one mad(Crazy, being drunk), destroyer of men, eater of raw flesh
Hades Epithets
Unseen one, one name,Vhthonian God-Zeus of the Underworld, Pluto,Dis-wealth (mineral or Constituents), Orcus- constraint
The underworld
aka Hades, Tartarus, Erebus, the romans place for punishment
Elysium, Elysian Fields
General area of reward
Island of the Blest
(Greek) where heroes go after their death.
5 rivers of the underworld
Styx-hate, Acheron-Woe, Lethe-forgetfulness, Cocytus-Sorrow, wailing, Phlegethon-fire
pale bride of death
Pyschopompos, leader of the dead from earth to the underworld
3 headed guard dog
Ferry man, ferry the dead across the river Styx, the dead must pay him, so they either put money on their eyes or in there mouth
3 judges of the underworld
Minos-sea king of crete, Rhadamanthys- brother of minos.
Aeaus-gate keeper
They decide if the person has lead a good or bad life
dark, female, spirits of the earth, protect and avenge blood ties, punishes homicide they are seen with snakes for hair torches and whips
hearth, family goddess earth
Homer's Odyssey
1st view of hades, Odysseus must go to the seer Tiresias, who is dead in the underworld. Homer only gives a very vague description of the geography of hades
For Odysseus to go to the underworld and talk to the dead and get back he need three Libations
Barley, wine and blood of a black ram
People that Odysseus lets drink the blood of the ram
His mother-she gives up hope on Odysseus and kills herself.
Agamemnon-Sailed away to him home, but his wife kills him when he gets back.
Achilles-dis Odysseus- turns away and says better to be the poorest farmer in greece, than a king in Ithaca, Phantom Herakles and Hebe-Living on Olympus, fake figures.
Bats of the underworld
spirits, same personality, loves, hatesm drive and desires as when living but cant act upon them
Half light of hades
symbolizes half existense
Plato's myth of Er
mix of philosophical and religious beliefs, Incorporates Pythagorean belief in transmigration into a myth of fantastic narrative form with taditional religious elements
Myth of Er
Told by erm he died in battle,10 days later , he woke up to remember where his soul had gone and what it had seen (The underworld), The judges of the underworld sent him as a messanger to describe it to the living, so they know what to expect.
Description of Hades
2 opening in the earth opposite to 2 opening in the sky, holes are watch by four judges. The Just right sky, The unjust left earth, constant traffic as souls ascend and descend to the plain to be prepared for the next step
Punishment for unjust deeds
10x for each misdeed, 100 years- 1 full payment, 1000 average amount of years of suffering below, after suffering below, or happiness above they leave the plain
Spindle of necessity (Anake)
holds iniverse together as the cosmos revolves around it
3 fates souls approach the fates and choose a new life, Odysseus-ordinary man, Ajax-Lion (he is still angry), Orpheus Swan (he hates women)
Clotho-touches spindle and ratifies the new life by weaving thread into a pattern of a loom.
Lachesis- Daimon-guiding spirit
Atropos-interweaves life with destiny
Realm of Neccessity
Soul passes through
drink from this river and the souls forget their former life
Shooting stars
the souls are reborn as shooting stars
Chops Pelops (his son) up and feeds him to the gods, to see if they can tell, they can and he is sentenced to eternal hunger adn thirst
chains up death, endlessly pushes a boulder up the hill but when it gets to the top it falls down the otherside and he has to start over
killed by artemis and apollo for attacking Leto, twin vultures feed on his liver
attacks hera, he is tortured with the wheel
Elysian fields
Roman inclusive heaven, orpheus, patriots pure priests, unborn roman heroes, discovers and inventors who benefit humankind
father of aeneas who acts as his guide and explains the system
present in all nature and in all comos, moves directs and creates all life and cosmos
Humans are made of two types of material
Pure-fiery power and celestial origin (soul)
Lesser-body, slows the spirit and is mortal, purged and punished
1000 years in the Elysian Fields
reborn through twin gates of sleep True dreams and False Dreams
Mystery Religion
ritual and belief center around a central mystery which can be revealed only to the initiates life after death or rebirth
(dionysus and Demeter)
9 days of celebration
Demeter searches with torch for nine days, fasting-demeter did not eat while looking for her daughter, Ritual purifications,Torch lit procession, joke-Iambe dirty and vulgar. Kykeon-barley corn meal and mint
10 day
Revelation see mystery, but no ones has ever told what the mystery was. Ritual marriage as METAPHOR human fertility and the fertility of the earth, Invention of agriculture- grain from seeds Initiate; immortality; life after death
Dionysus and mystery religions
eater of raw flesh, wine, destroyed adn reborn, worshipped in throng, Ecstasy, Pine (stays green in winter) and ivy (grows in a frenzy, doesn't die in winter) Evergreens. Sacrifice and sacrament, Rebirth as himself, Communion (where christians get it from)
lossof individual identity