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48 Cards in this Set

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Here Marie, please take this coin. Buy yourself something nice

Good day Jean-Michel

And do you know why the poor are the kindest, Ella and Crazy Marie?

No, but I have a feeling you are about to be most forthcoming.

Because it is a corrupt system, with a smashed moral compass.

You will forgive me if I stagger about and mutter.

Today I will be going alone to the castle to protest the corruption that riddles our government! You must come with me!

That is Madame, Ella's stepmother.

I shall shout to the prince! He will have no choice but to listen!

You are in harm's way!

I have a vision for what this kingdom could be.

Madame isn't always terrible. Sometimes she sleeps.

Gabrielle. I have brought from university a book for you, with pictures of how people in other lands live. And how they govern. Norway, Italy, Japan...

Quit it, you.

And four days from now I would like to take you on a date. I'm organizing a soup kitchen. We need someone to stir. And ladle.

Into this house at once.

Why do I care? Why do I try? I'll never be good enough for her. I will take this book and burn it!

I would love to look at your boom of how other countries live.

Then here, Ella, take it. I shall go my way alone and live my own life. I'm a loner! You're coming with me, right?

Of course.


Do you really want me to go into it?

Prince Topher, listen!

What was that?

You must take responsibility for your actions!

Who's that yelling from the other side of the moat?

The people are being treated unfairly by your government!

I've done my best to raise you in the finest schools

Hello, I'm talking here!

Ignore him

I will not give up! If you won't listen, I'll shout this to the town square!

(Now is the Time)

No, no, no, listen. Tradespeople, tinkers, and fishmongers! I shout to the prince but he ignores me! If he and Sebastian can take the land of the very poor, it is only a matter of time before they take from all of us!

Come two daughters that count, finish getting ready!


Who can that be? It must be good news!

Good evening, Madame. Gabrielle? Please forgive me for interrupting your momentous evening. For the ball tonight, I thought you might desire to take these wild flowers. I've picked them myself.

Thank you Jean-Michel. They're so beautiful.

For the mother of the most perfect girl in all God's creation. I have gathered these myself and-

You are not welcome here! Out of my house!

Would you perhaps consider-

Cinderella's not going anywhere

One of the flowers in the bouquet was a wild rose. It's thorn has scratched my lip. Yes- I'm bleeding. I should walk up to the prince and scratch his lip.

Oh now

Make him drink lemonade, oh it will sting

That's just cruel

Enough of taking things as they are now is the time for us to March to the palace, the peasants the tradespeople, and finally get the prince to listen to us instead of having his fancy ball

Talk to him

He won't listen to me je uses his castle to hide from the truth him meeting me will never happen the only thing funniet is you goubf to the ball. Ha. Well why don't you just go to thr ball and ask the prince when he's going to start noyoving noticing that people are being evicted from their lands. Ha! That's absurd.

Then open it

Hello ella

Hello Jean michel

I'm sick of hiding in the shadows like a fearful person

Would you rather see madame

Hiding is nice

How are you this evening

I'm oing out with Gabrielle and I'm wound up like a tick. Tonight she and i will go to the green grocer and beg him for whatever scraps he might have then we shall slave over a hot stove and serve a meal to the very poorest. I do hope she's not expecting that much fun every night.

Good evening Jean michel

Good evening Gabrielle. I much prefer you in this simple attire. You no l9nger look like a carnival attraction.

And what of the soup kitchen this evening

Our first responsibility is with the poor. Then we shall March to the palace steps and I shall speak with the prince. We only have one thing to worry about.

What's that

That he'll even speak to me

She's talked to the prince

What? Ella talked to the prince?

She's going to the banquet

The world is upside down! But don't you know what this means? If she really talked to the prince then I can talk to him and he'll be open to my suggestions. What do you call this feeling I have?


Optimism. I must do this more often

(Repeat Gabrielle) you can be my boyfriend!

I can be your boyfriend! Whoa, left turn. What are you doing, this looks very counter revolutionary

The man who brought me flowers

Who brought you flowers? Oh I did. No i couldn't

You just said so. Optimism


Let yourself go

I could be your boyfriend


Yes! Yes! Am I your boyfriend?



Ask about the gold dress

Are you all right?

A wonderful man with a lot of great Ideas

(It's an honor to meet-)

Jean michel has something he'd like to say

I- uh- we- these people have had their homes and property taken from them. I've said this before, but now I know what it is to have someone you love lose their home. We need your help. We need to have our voices heard.

Chapter two!

Chapter 2! I didn't get that far.

I assume artists

We demand to have our voices heard.

Here goes nothin

Gabrielle, there you are! I've decided, if I become prime minister, I'm gonna marry you.

It's too too rich

You can do it!