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9 Cards in this Set

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Who are all intermediaries regulated by?


What is an independent intermediary?

Capable of offering advice on the basis of a fair market. Called an insurance brooker

What are the activities of independent intermediaries?

Risk management

Claim notification

Recovery of uninsured losses

Mid term charges

Negotiating renewal

Who must brokers be register to?

Lloyd's brokers

For a brooker to be registered to Lloyd's what must they satisfy?



Financial standing

What is an appointed representative?

Company/Person under terms of a contract will state what the person can do

Can an appointed rep represent more than one person?

Yes as long as they have a contract for each principal and a multiple principal arrangement in place

Give examples of some non-insurance reps?

Motor garages, freight forwarders...

People who are capable of introducing business

What is an introducer appointed rep?

Limited to introduction and distributing, NON-REAL TIME FINANCIAL PROMOTIONS

Brochures and proposal. They will act as a marketing channel but the insurer takes the risk and liability