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38 Cards in this Set

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Pleural fluid is important for all of these reasons
lubricates pleural cavity. create pressure gradient. assists in inflation of lungs. compartmentalization of thorax(PICL)
All of the following factors could produce bronchoconstriction
cold air. asthma. epinephrine.
airborne irritants.
As the thoracic cavity expands, the
intrapleural pressure falls.
The Adam's apple is part of which laryngeal cartilage?
inspirational capacity
Breathing in as much air as possible (after normal tidal expiration) is
The respiratory centers receive afferent input from the
blood chemoreceptors.
B) limbic system.
C) vagus nerve.
Which of the following is not an important factor in adjusting the amount of oxygen delivered to tissues
carbonic anhydrase
Hypoxia caused by inadequate gas exchange is classified
hypoxemic hypoxia.
three steps
1. pulmonary ventilation (braething 2. external resp-exchange of gases in lunga and blood
3.internalresp-cellular res - exchange in cap and tissue
upper resp system
nose ,phanx,
lower resp system
larynx,trachea,bronchi,and lungs
Conducting portion
holds 150 ml( breath in -500ml, out 350 ml)
respiratory portion
tissues in lings, holds 5-6 liter 02
warms air, olfactory stimuli, modifys speech.
three shelves-superior ,inferior , middle meatus. increses surface area-prevent dehy by trap h20 in exhalation
Superior conchea
lies olfactory receptors
starts at internal nares thro cricoid, passageway, has tonsils, chamber for speach
pharynx regions
nasopharynx-nose,has pharyngeal tonsil, oropharnx-passageway,palatine and lingual, laryngpharnx- hyoid to larynx(voicebox)resp and digest pathway
Voicebox, 9 peices of cartilage,tyroid has apple, connects larynpharnx to trachea
Voice production
larynx has 2 pairs of folds inferior (true or vocal) and superior(vestibular or false, up pressure =louder,
primary bronchi-secondary bronchi-tertiary bronchi-bronchioles
outer layer-paratial pleura. inner-visceral. inbetween- pleuralcavity-has fluid
pleural effusion
inflamatio of pleural membrane
excess fluid buildup
Terminary bronchiole
terminal-respitory bronchioles-alveolar ducts
Cells= type 1-gas exchange, type 2- secrete alveolar fluid( includes surfactant- allows lung to expand and contract)
o2 and co2 exchange
takes place through respitory membrane 4 layers
just before pressure in lungs and atmosper is equal-760 mm, lungs increse in volume-pressure drops(boyles law) ,air flows from higher to lower pressure
contraction causes it to flatten
lower surface tension to keep lung inflated( decreases tendency to collapse ,28 week for infant causes resp distress syndrome
passive(no muscle), elastic recoil of chest wall and lungs
Boyles law
inverse relation with pressure and volume, lungs increase with volume= pressure drops- 1-3 mm, exercise can drop it to 100 mm
Lung volumes
70% of VT(350 ml) -respitory portion, 30 % (150 ml)- anatomic dead space
Daltons law
each gas has own pressure called pp of gas, 760 mm total, 78 %-N, 20%-O2,0.4 %-CO2
Rate of gas ex factors
PO2 ( higher than capill), O2 tran sport, ( factors for o2/hemoglobin= acidity, PCO2, Temp, BPG
Respiratory center
in mudulla, controls rhythm of resp
pneumotaxis- limits duration of inspir,
apneustic- prolongs inspir
Inhalation reflex
CN X controlled, stretch receptors in bronchi and bronchioles