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32 Cards in this Set

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The average heart weighs

11 ounces

The average heart pumps

2000 gallons of blood a day

The heart is about the size of

A fist

The heart pumps blood to

Almost every cell in the body

The heart starts beating at

4 weeks after conception

What may have a negative effect on the heart

Heavy snoring, lifting, drinking

Who invented the stethoscope and in what year

Rene Laennec in 1816

Where is the heart located? And what is the special muscle tissue called

In the midsection of the chest between the lungs. Myocardium


A double-layered membrane, surrounding the heart

The heart consists of four chambers

The upper chambers are the right and left atrium, the lower chambers are the right and left ventricles

What does the atrium do

The left and right atriums receive blood that is returning to the heart

Left atrium

Receives blood that is returning from the pulmonary veins

Right atrium

Receives blood that is returning from the superior and inferior vena cava

Superior vena cava

Returns oxygen deprived blood from the head, neck, chest and arm to the heart

Inferior vena cava

Return oxygen deprived blood from the back, abdomen, legs and pelvis

What do the ventricles do

The left and right ventricles pump blood to the body

Left ventricle

Hardest working chamber. Pumps the blood of the aorta (artery.)

What are the four heart valves that regulate the blood through the heart

Tricuspid, Pulmonic, Mitral, and Aortic

tricuspid and mitral valves

Atrioventricular Node (AV node)

Pulmonic and Aortic valves

Semi lunar

Types of blood vessels

Arteries, veins, capillaries, arterioles, and venules.

Blood vessels

Hollow tube-like structures that circulate blood throughout the body

Main artery


Heart node

Refers to a special tissue type that acts as muscle and nervous tissue

One cardiac impulse and the recharging of cells usually takes

0.5 sec

Natural pacemaker of the heart

Sinoatrial (SA) node

The medulla

It is the part of the brain which controls the autonomic functions like: breathing, and heart and blood functions

Neurological Pathways connect

The heart with the medulla of the brain


Are the organs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the blood takes place

Each red blood cell contains the substance that carries oxygen called


Each hemoglobin carries

Four oxygen molecules

As blood passes through the lungs it increases its

Oxygen concentration