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75 Cards in this Set

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Result of muscarinic stimulants on non-innervated muscarinic receptors on the smooth muscle of blood vessels
lower blood pressure even though parasympathetic nerve stimulation cannot lower blood pressure
Drugs can increase cholinergic function by
1) directly stimulating cholinergic receptors

2) indirectly increase the effectiveness of endogenous ACh
Synthesis of ACh occurs...
in the cytoplasm of cholinergic nerves where choline and acetyl CoA react
Enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of ACh from choline and acetyl CoA
choline acetylase (choline acetyltransferase)
rate-limiting step of ACh synthesis
pumping choline back into the nerve
Hemicholinum (HC-3)
blocks transport of choline and consequently will eventually cause an inhibition of cholinergic function
Any substance the lowers extracullular Ca++ or that interferes with Ca permeability through the membrane will
inhibit the release of ACh into the synaptic cleft
Botulinum toxin
prevents the release of ACh from the nerve terminal
Black widow venom (latrotoxin)
causes excessive fusing of the granules with the nerve membrane that leads to excessive release and eventual depletion of the transmitter
"True" Acetylcholinesterase
found in the region of all cholinergic synapses and hydrolyzes the ester linkage yielding choline and acetic acid causing ACh to have a short half-life
non-spectific enzyme found in the plasma and liver that degrade ACh that escapes from transmission sites and IV ACh
Muscarinic receptors found in the heart
Muscarinic receptors located in the peripheral autonomic organs
Muscarinic receptors found in GI tract and autonomic ganglia
Muscarinic receptors found in the CNS
M1 to M5
ACh acts on non-innervated muscarinic receptors in the endothelial cells of blood vessels which releases...
derived relating factor (EDRF) to cause relaxation of the vessel smooth muscle

EDRF is Nitric Oxide (NO)
Nicotinic Receptors are located at:
1) NMJ
2) Autonomic ganglia
3) Adrenal medulla
4) CNS
have profound actions on cholinergic receptors

limited usefulness --> so many organ systems affected
Choline esters
-short half life
-low doses only activate muscarinic receptors
-high doses stimulate both muscarinic and nicotinic
=ACh + additional methyl group is added to the 2nd Carbon
-longer half life (partial refractory to AChase)

muscarinic >>>>>> nictotinic

Clinically: not used, so many generalized muscarinic effects
NH2 group on the terminal end of ACh--> refractory to AChase


Releases ACh from cholinergic nerve endings

Clincally: topically on eye to produce miosis in the treatment of glaucoma
both methyl and NH2 subs.

refractory to AChase

Muscarinic effects

Clinically: esophogeal reflux due to its stimulatory action on the lower esophageal sphincter
Naturally occuring cholinergic stimulants (alkaloids):
nicotine, muscarine, pilocarpine
tobacco leaves/widely abused

odorless, colorless liquid

stimulates all nicotinic receptors
Results of giving nicotine repeatedly or in large doses
blockade of nicotinic receptors due to sustained depolarization
from mushroom

Will stimulate all muscarinic receptors whether innervated or non-innervated
from South American shrub

selectively activates muscarinic receptors

not highly charged-->crosses membranes
Mechanism of pilocarpine in treating glaucoma
Outflow of aqueous humor is enhanced due to constriction of the iris sphincter muscle and the ciliary body behind the iris. These events mechanically widen the angle between the cornea and iris where aqueous outflow takes place
The cholinomimetic effect of anticholinesterase agents is observed at which receptors?
only at those cholinergic receptors that receive tonic neural input
reversible AChase inhibitors
duration of hours--> enzyme eventually freed of drug

Clincally: treats myasthenia gravis and glaucoma
Irreversible AChase inhibitors
bind so tightly so new enzyme must be synthesized to regain function

Insecticides, Chemical warfare agents
from the Calabar bean

Not highly charged so it can enter CNS
Physostigmine (Reversible AChase Inhibitor)
Treatment of glaucoma (miosis and contraction of ciliary muscle)

Most rational agent for atropine poisoning (b/c CNS accessibility)
Physostigmine (Reversible AChase inhibitor)
Does not readily enter CNS

Dual action to directly stimulate nicotinic sites on skeletal muscle endplates
Neostigmine (Reversible AChase inhibitor)
Used to treat myasthenia gravis

Used w/ atropine to reverse actions of competitive neuromuscular blocking drugs (curare-like drugs)
Neostigmine (Reversible AChase inhibitor)
additional drugs to treat myasthenia gravis
Ambenonium and Pyridostigmine (Reversible AChase inhibitors)
short duration ---> diagnosis of M.G.

beneficial in titration of effective dose levels
Edrophonium (Reveresible AChase Inhibitor)
Side affects of AChase inhibitors
Excessive muscarinic activation (sweating, salivation, increased GI and bladder motility)

Skeletal muscle weakness due to too much AChase inhibition (cholinergic crisis) or insufficient inhibition (myastenic crisis)
used to treat cognitive dysfunction seen in patients with Alzheimer's disease
Donepezil and Tacrine (Reversible AChase Inhibitors)
Mechanism of Irreversible AChase inhibitors
phosphorylate the esteric site on the AChase enzyme, binds tightly to enzyme
Irreversible AChase inhibitor used to treat glaucoma in pts refractory to other less potent miotics

Long term use restricted to aphakic eyes b/c it causes cataracts
Irreversible AChase Inhibitors that are common insecticides
Parathion and Malathion
Compound converted in the liver to an irreversible anti-AChase agent (paraoxon)
Irreversible AChase inhibitor quickly inactivated to non-toxic metabolites in mammals and birds
Irreversible Anti-cholinesterase war gases that are not reversed by "said" reactivators
Sarin and Soman
cholinesterase reactivator used to treat intoxication with some organophosphorous compounds
pralidoxime (2-PAM)
Muscarinic blocking drug taken orally derived from plants such as the deadly nightshade

Causes CNS excitation

Low doses=bradycardia
High doses=tachycardia (expected)
red as a beet, hot as a pistol, dry as a bone, mad as a hatter
Atropine poisoning effects
Muscarinic blocking drug that causes CNS depression

Used in medicine to prevent motion sickness
Muscarinic blocking drug that is less potent and shorter acting

Used for opthalmolgical exams
Synthetic muscarinic blocking drugs that have fewer systemic (especially CNS) side effects

Applied topically to the airway by metered inhaler
Ipratropium and Tiotropium
Used instead of atropine for COPD b/c they produce bronchodialation w/o reduction in volume or increase in viscoity of bronchial secretions
Ipratropium and Tiotropium
Second line muscarinic blocking agent for the treatment of bronchial asthma but appears beneficial when combined w/ other bronchodialators
Muscarinic blocking agent that has a longer duration of action so it can be administered as once/day
Muscarinic blocking agent that is a CNS acting drug used to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease
Muscarinic blocking agent used to treat spasms of the bladder

admin. orally or topically (via catheter) to improve continence
Receptors affected by blockade of autonomic ganglia
all innervated receptors
Ganglionic stimulant that would act on all nicotinic receptors on the post ganglionic neurons and adrenal chromaffin cells

at high doses/given repeatedly becomes ganglionic blockade
Was used therapeutically to treat severe hypertensive disease but is no longer used
ganglionic blockades
prototype ganglionic blockade agent used experimentally that does not compete with ACh at the nicotinic receptors found on the endplate of skeletal muscle
Hexamethonium (C6)
Types of receptors found in blood vessels in the skin
alpha innervated

few B-2/M non-innervated
Types of receptors found in blood vessels in the kidney
Effect of parasympathetic system on bronchial constriction
MAO inhibitor
COMT inhibitor
tolcapone, Tasmar
blocks serotonin uptake
Fluoxetine (Prozac)
binds to GABA receptors and increases the frequency of the GABA-stimulated chloride channel opening
Benzodiazpines (diazepam, Valium)
Ester local anesthetic with low potency, slow onset, and short duration of action
Procaine (novacain)
Ester local anesthetic with fast onset and is short action.

Commonly used for labor and C-sections
Ester LA that is more potent and has longer duration than procaine

Use for spinal anesthesia
Ester LA used only as a topical anesthetic
the most widely used local anesthetic

produces fast, intermediate lasting
Widely used amide LA with long duration
Intermediate action LA w/ properties similar to Lidocaine but w/ higher therapeutic index and longer duration of action

Toxic in neonate, not effective topical anesthetic
Local amide anesthetic with long duration and less cardiotoxic effects the bupivicaine