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30 Cards in this Set

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Which governor of Texas refused to leave office although he had lost the election?
Edmund Davis
The Constitution of 1836 created a
constitution that greatly resembled the U.S. constitution.
The right-to-work law
prohibits union membership as a condition of employment.
An underlying principle of the 1876 constitution is that of a social compact that rests on the concepts of popular sovereignty and compact theory, as well as the principles of
limited government and separation of powers
The actions in the late 1960s transformed the constitutional tradition of Texas into one of resentment and distrust toward government
Governor Davis adhered to the policies of Reconstruction espoused by Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson.
7. The Constitution of 1876 was essentially an anti-government charter and so did NOT
empower the government
8. The structure, authority and responsibilities of government institutions are defined by
9. The Constitution of 1866 did NOT require
the extension of the franchise to women
10. Constitutions do NOT reflect
relationships with other governments
11. School history texts, the celebration of key events and the development of a mythology of the independence period keep Texas's _______ alive.
historical uniqueness
12. Johnson's mild reconstruction policies were replaced by those of the
Radical Republicans
13. When the Constitution of 1876 replaced the Constitution of 1869, the constitutional convention was dominated by members of the Grange. These members insured that the new constitution would
restrict banks
14. Scholars believe that above all constitutions should
be concise and contain universal principles
15. The first readmission constitutional plan offered after the war was proposed by
Abraham Lincoln
16. A constitution reflects the way society structures conflict through its
institutional arrangements
17. The Constitution of 1876 created____branches of government, the______branches.
three; judicial, executive, and legislative
18. When Texas joined the Confederate States of America, its new constitution did NOT
allow clergy to run or hold office
19. A constitution does NOT
define who can hold office
20. Texas currently operates under a constitution that was adopted following the Civil War and the Radical Reconstruction era. In this constitution, Texans
suspicious of government, limited it's power and fragmented its institutions.
21. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Texas government under the Constitution of 1876?
the legislature meets every year, full time.
22. The constitutional experiences of Texas ____those of many southern states that have had multiple constitutions in the post-Civil war era.
are very similar to
23. The current Texas Constitution is
burdened by excessive detail
24. Elements of the Mexican legal system still found in Texas in the twenty-first century include
property rights, water rights, and community property
25. Texas has had seven constitutions, and understanding that legacy is critical to understanding contemporary Texas politics and public policy.
26. In 1835, Santa Anna
voided the Constitution of 1824 and adopted a new one.
27. Paradoxically, the Texas constitution of 1876 has been accused of serving the interests of a small number of elites, even though the original framers sought to regulate the power of railroads, banks and other wealthy institutions.
28. Which of the following did NOT characterize politics during the time of the framing of the Texas Constitution of 1876?
There were low levels of class and economic conflict
29. All but one of the Texas Constitutions were written in a distinct historical setting.
30. The Constitution of 1845 provided for
protection of private homesteads from foreclosure.