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42 Cards in this Set

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it is a group of persons usually living together and composed of the head and other persons related by blood, marriage or adoption


sociologists defined family in terms of a _____________

"social unit interacting with the larger society"

defined in terms of kinship, marriage and choice

"a family is characterized by people together because of birth, marriage, adoption or choice"


a family is two or more persons who are joined by bonds of _______ anf _______ and who identify themselves as being part of the family

sharing and emotional closeness

according to them, a family is a small social sysytem anf primart reference group made up of two or more persons living together

Murray and Zentner

family is characterized by:

- face to face contact

- bonds of affection

- love

- loyalty

- emotional and financial commitment

- harmony

- simultaneous competition

- mutual concern

types of family forms

- nuclear family

- dyad

- extended

- blended

- compound

- cohabiting

- single

- beanpole

- single state

- same sex or homosexual

- cohabiting or communal family

the family of marriage, parenthoof or procreation

- composed of husband, wife and theit immediate children -- natural adopted or both

Nuclear family

consisting only of husband and wife such as newly married couples anf "empty nesters"

Dyad family

consisted three generations which may include married siblings and their families and or grandparents

Extended family

family which results from a union where one or both spouses bring a child or children from previous marriage into a new living arrangement

Blended family

a family where a man has more than one spouse;

approved by Phil authorities only among Muslims

Compound family

commonly described as a "live in" arrangement between an unmarried couple who are called common lae spouses and their child or children from arrabgement

Cohabiting family

results form death of a spyse grom the death of spouse; separation, or pregnancy outside of wedlock

Single parent

a family with 4 or morr generation lives longer, parent child relationship last longer


the never married, separated, divorced or widowed individual, often characterized by privacy, independence, job mobility, opportunity to develop skills

Single state

composed of gay or lesbian partners living together with or without an adopted child or a child previous relationship

Same sex or homosexual family

consists of unrelated individuals or families who live together under one roof for purposes of companionship, desiring to achieve a sense of family, test commitment and share resources and household management

Cohabiting or Communal family

it has long viewed the family as an important unit of health care, with awareness that the individual can be best understood within the social context of the family

Community health nursing

Reasons to work with families

- The family is critical resource

- In a family unit, any dysfunction that affects one or more family members will affect the members and unit as a whole

- Case finding is another reason to work with families

- Improving nursing care

a type of theory has been applied to the study of families

General system theory

it is more than just sum of its members


it is family may be affected by any disrupting force acting on a system outside the family


two functions of the family

a family fulfills to important purposes

- Meet the needs of society

- Meet the needs of individual family members

the family is the _____ between individuals and society


A family meets the needs of society through :

- Procreation

- Socialization of family members

- Status placement

- Economic function

it is where despite the changing forms of the family, it has remained the universally accepted institution for reproductive function and child rearing

- Procreation

it is the process of learning how to become productive members of society.

it also involves transmission of the culture of social group

Socialization of family members

It also involved transmission of the culture of a social group

Socialization of family members

it is characterised by a hierarchy of its members into social classes.


The family confers its societal rank on the children

Status placement

Medina observes that the rural family is a unit of production where the whole family works as a team, participating in farming, fishing or cottage industries

Economic function

The family meets the needs of individuals through :

- Physical maintenance

- Welfare and protection

it is where the family provides for the survival needs of its dependent members like young children and the aged

Physical maintenance

it is where the family supports spouses or partners by providing for companionship and meeting affective, sexual and socio economic needs

Welfare and protection

Stages that normal families transverse from marriage to death: family life cycle

- Beginning family through marriage or commitment as a couple relationship

- Parenting the first child

- Living with adolescent

- Launching family

- Middle aged family

- Aging family

Stage and tasks of the family life cycle

- Marriage: joining of family

- Families with young children

- Families with adolescents

- Families launching centers

- Aging families

Give atleast 3 family health tasks

- Recognizing interruptions of health or development

- Seeking health care

- Managing health and non-health crises

they are characterized healthy families as "energized families" and provided descriptions of healthy families to guide in assessing strengths and coping

Otto and Pratt

Give atleast 3 characteridtics of healthy family

- members interact with each other; they communicate and listen repeatedly in many contexts

- healthy families can establish priorities.

- healthy families affirm, support and respect each other

it is the first major phase of nursing process

Nursing assessment in the family nursing practice

it includes data collection, data analysis or interpretation and problem definition or nursing diagnosis

Nursing assessment