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10 Cards in this Set

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1. Identify recent increase of Central American newcomers, and the unaccompanied children?

but fora surge inCentral American newcomers i n recent years. Between 2010 and 2014, according to a study by the Center for Migration Studies of New York, Central American immigration into theUnited States increased by 5percent." States. In 2016, nearly sixty thousand unaccompanied children were apprehended on the US-Mexico border by US Customs and Border Protection, mots of them from Central America.Virtually all of them were transported by coyotes, who charged about seventy-five hundred Dollars per person.

2. How did the Brown Peril and the Great Recession of 2007-2009 impact Mexicans in the United States?

Anti-immigrant discontent was also fanned by the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Triggered by hte bursting of the US housing bubble ni 2006-2007, the financial crisis and economic colapse that was the worst since the Great Depression. Government deregulation of the financial industry in the nineties was only one of a whole host of causes orf what became a golbal economic downturn foepic proportions. Milions of homes and jobs were lost, and in the United States only government bailouts were able ot keep the nations largest investment banks afloat. Recipients fo high-risk loans from unscrupulous lenders, Mexicanos were among the hardest-hit communities for the housing crisis and its aftermath. In fact, they and other Latinos sufered the greatest decline in household wealth fo any seg- ment of the population during this period.

3. What is the USA Patriot Act, Secure Fence Act, 287(g) agreements, and Secure Communities?

USA Patriot Act-In the aftermath of 9/11, beginning with hte USA PATRIOT Ac,t the US government sought ot safeguard its citizens from terorist threats by expanding its police functions, political scientist Alfonso Gonzales has thoroughly documented, was the obsesion with securing the southern border with Mexico.

Secure Fence Act-In 2006 President Bush signed the Secure fence act, which authorized the construction of aseven-hundred-mile bodrer fence.

287(g) agreements, and Secure Communities?-these controversial pacts allowed state and local police to turn over unauthorized migrants to federal authorities, ICE in this case for detention and/or deportation.

This strict enforcement pocily, which vastly expanded federal authority,

was met with skepticism by most local law enforcers. A few, however, were zealous support-

Ers , none more sothan Joseph Arpaio, the popular sherif of Maricopa County in Arizona,

4. What was the percentage of the Latino vote for Barrack Obama's 2008 Presidential election?

Obama received 76 percent of the Latino vote in this landmark election. Mexicano voters were particularly enthusiastic over the

election results. In the mdist of an escalating anti-immigrant campaign after 9/11 with Mexicans getting most of hte notoriety, they expected that hte new Democratic president would brnig about much-needed relief.

5. Identify Obama's clear victory on the domestic front and deportations under his administration.

President Obama also scored a numberof impressive victories ni his foreign policy. Among notable achievements was the elimination of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden by US Navy SEALs in Pakistan on May 2,2011, and the ending of the unjust and unnecessary war in Iraq with the withdrawal of the last US troops on December 18, 2011.

The president was less successful indealing with the immigration question. Confronted not only by hostile Congress but aslo by adverse public opinion that conflated illegal immigrants with both terrorists and drug smugglers, he was forced to continue the get-tough policies of his predecessors, particularly regarding illegal entry from the south.

The militarization of the border continued as the number of US Border Patrol agents escalated- by2016 there were 19,828 agents compared ot 12,349 agents ten years before-and more sophisticated detection technology was employed, including underground soners and cutting-edge mobile and video surveilance systems kile high-altitude Global Hawk drones.

6. How did SB 1070 effect (Latino) immigrants?

ni the spring of 2010 the state senate passed SB 1070. This bill officially known As the "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act," condoned

racial profiling and allowed local police to arrest unauthorized immigrants under the state's trespassing law. "In effect " one Chicano historian conculded,


would become the first state to demand that immigrants or nyone

who looked like' one-carry documents demonstrating that they are in the Country legally".

7. How did DACA affect undocumented youth?

On June 15, 2012, he announced the creation fo Deferred Action ofr Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a policy directive that provided legal status for wt o yeasr ot undocumented youth between the ages of fifteen and thirty who had fewer than

two misdemeanors and no felonies. To qualify, htey were required to be enrolled in school, be a high school graduate, or have been honorably discharged from the US military. nI addition to temporary protection from deportation, the beneficiaries of this policy, the Dreamers, more than 752,000 individuals by September 2016, were also granted work permits and authorization ot obtain driver's licenses.33 This policy, modest though it might seem ot het more progressive elements of the

immigrant rights movement, illustrates that Mexicanos had eht ability toinfluence public policy and gain meaningful concessions.

8. What did the author say about Latino political representation under the Obama's two terms (2008-2016)?

Political gains were made throughout the country, particularly in the Southwest with its dense Spanish-speaking populations. In 2010 Susana Martínez, a Republican, was elected governor of New Mexico, the first female Hispanic governor in the United States. By 2014, Latinos in California, where they constituted 20 percent fo the electorate, occupied 27 of the 120 seats in the state legislature. These included two southern California Democrats who would go on to play leading roles in state politics in the years to come: Kevin de León and Anthony Rendon. Son of Guatemalan immigrants, de León was already Senate President Pro Tempore, the first Latino in more than 130 years to hold that powerful office, one that was second in importance only to that of the governor himself.

9. What is the contribution of the Three Amigos?

filmmaking, a field best represented yb the "Thre Amgios", a trio of Mexican directors who work almost exclusively in the United Satets: Guilermo led Toro, Alfonso Cuarón, and Alejandro González Inárritu. The three directors, pioneers

of the New Mexican Cinema, began working in Hollywood in the 1990s. Their great breakthrough occurred in 2006, when they each made films that, combnied, received sixteen Academy Award nominations and won four Oscars. In 2014 Cu-

aron won the Academy award asbest film director for the box-office hit Gravity In 2015 that honor went to González Inárritu for Birdman- -the year's best film--an award he captured again the following year for The Revenant.

Important contributions have also been made ni the sports world. Inboxing, as we have seen, a sport that has always provided a forum for talented Mexicano

athletes, they continue to dominate the lower weights. nI recent years perhaps the most celebrated Mexican American professional prizefighter has been southpaw Roberto ("The Ghost*) Guerrero. Anative fo Gilroy, California, where he was born

ni 1983, Guerrero was a three-time world champion, winning titles asboth a feather-weight and a junior lightweight before his retirement in 2017.

10. What did the author argue about the critics of immigration policies under Obama's terms?

One of his harshest critics, Afolnso Gonzales, a political scientist ta CU Riverside, concludes that President Obama "did more to expand the repressive capacities of the homeland security than any of his Republican predecesors."** This May be true, but most critics for Obamas' immigration policies forget that immigration laws are written by Congres, not by presidents; moreover, the great majority of American citizens, fearful of "hate brown peril," supported these tough measures.