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18 Cards in this Set

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What happens during respiration?

During the reaction,the carbon and hydrogen combine with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water and energy is also released.

What types of changes are there?

-Physical change

-Chemical change

What are their properties?

A physical change is a change in which no new substance is formed

It can be reversed

A chemical change is a change in which a new substance is formed.It is known as chemical reaction.

What is a physical change?

A physical change can be reversed easily and no new substance will be formed

What is a chemical change

A chemical change is difficult to reverse and a new substance will be formed and it is also known as a chemical reaction

What is in a chemical change?

One or more new substances(products) are created.They have different properties from the original substances(reactants).

What happens in a chemical reaction?

In a chemical reaction,substances(reactants) react with each other to form new substances(products)Energy such as heat,light and electricity is taken in or given out

Why do changes occur?

Physical and chemical changes occur because of interactions

Interactions can be between matter and energy.Heat,light or electricity

What are the Different types of matter and heat interaction?

Thermal decomposition




What is The use of thermal decomposition?

Thermal decomposition:One substance breaks into two or more simpler substances when heated.Example:Decomposition of sugar

What is The use of combustion?

A substance reacts with oxygen when heated to form one more new substances.During combustion,heat and lights are given out.Example:Burning of charcoal,carbon dioxide is produced and gives out heat and light

What is Another use of combustion?

Examples of combustion is burning of fuels:coal,natural gas and petrol.

Combustion reactions release a lot of heat energy which is used for cooking,transport and for generating of electricity in power stations

What is The use of oxidation?

Addition of oxygen to a substance is called oxidation

Oxidation reacts occurs when metals and non-metals,burn in air

What is Another use of oxidation?

Example:Rusting of iron is oxidation

Iron combines with oxygen in the air to form a new substance called rust

What is Respiration?

It is the process in which cells in living organisms get energy which involves oxidation.

What happens during respiration?

During the reaction,the carbon and hydrogen combine with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water and energy is also released.

What is photosynthesis?

It is a process which green plants absorbs light energy to make food(glucose)

How does developing photograph work?

The coating on black and white photographic film contains silver bromide and exposure to light will decompose silver bromide into silver which produces dark areas on the film.The greater the exposure to light,the darker the area on the film