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36 Cards in this Set

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a group of people who seek to influence public policy in ways contrary to public good.
political party
A group that seeks toe lect candidates to public office by supplying them with a label - a "party identification" - by whuch they are known to the electorate.
The faction in the Republican party of the 1890s to the 1910s composed of reformers who opposed the use of patronage and party bosses and favored the leadership of experts. After 1910 they evolved into a nonpartisan "good government" movement that sought to open up the political system and curb the abuses of parties.
national committee
A committee of delegates from each state and territory that runs party affairs between national conventions.
congressional campaign committee
A party committee in Congress that provides funds to memebers who are running for reelection or to would-be members running for an open seat or challenging a candidate from the opposition party.
Party leaders and elected officials who become delegates to the national convention without having to run in primaries or caucuses. Party rules determine the percentage of delegate seats reserved for party officials.
an informal meeting at which potential voters and candidates talk about the issues and their preferred candidate, and then decide which candidate they support and which delegates to send to their political party's convention.
solidary vs material incentives
Solidary - the social rewards that lead people to join local or state political organizations.
material - benefits that have monetary value, including money, gifts, services, or discounts received as a result of one's membership in an organization.
interest groups
An organization of people sharing a common interest or goal that seeks to influence the making of public policy.
closed shop
a company that hires only union members
free rider
An employee who pays no union dues or agency shop fees, but nonetheless receives the same benefits of union representation as dues-payers.
amicus curiae brief
A Latin term meaning "a friend of the court." Refers to interested groups or individuals, not directly involved in a suit, who may file legal briefs or make oral arguments in support of one side.
Attempting to influence government decisions.
revolving door
an organization or institution with a high rate of turnover of personnel or membership.
iron triangle
A close relationship between an agency, a congressional committee, and an interest group that often becomes a mutually advantageous alliance.
political action committee (PAC)
A committee set up by and representing a corporation, laber union, or special-interest group that raises and spend campaign contributions on behalf of one or more candidate or cause.
The electorate, rather than voting on each individual piece of legislation, must choose among a set of candidates (or parties) for the legislature.
party column ballot
A ballot, that was government-printed and contained a list in columns of all candidates of each party. A voter could simply mark the top on one column to vote for every candidate in that column.
office block ballot
A ballot, that lists all candidates by office to minimize a straight party ticket vote.
free from party affiliation or bias.
The support, encouragement, privilege and often financial aid given by a person or an organization.
direct primary
a primary where voters directly select the candidates who will run for office
open primary
a primary election in which voters do not need to be a member of a particular political party in order to vote for partisan candidates in the primary election. Given a ballot with both parties.
closed primary
a type of direct primary limited to registered party members who have declared their party affiliation, in order to vote in the election. You can only vote within your declared party.
proportional representation
An electoral system where the number of seats won is directly linked to the number of votes cast for each party.
minor party
A political party that play a smaller role than a major party in a country's politics and elections.
realigning election
A dramatic change in the political system
a process whereby voters are moved toward nonpartisanship thus weakening the structure of political parties.
party platform
A list of the principles which a political party supports in order to appeal to the general public for the purpose of having said party's candidates voted into office.
mass media
Any of various methods of transmitting news to a large number of people (eg radio, TV, newspaper).
news media
The news media refers to the section of the mass media that focuses on presenting current news to the public.
issue ad
An ad that discusses broad political issues rather than supporting or attacking a specific candidate.
fairness doctrine
A former rule of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that required broadcasters to give time to opposing views if they broadcast a program giving one side of a controversial issue.
political socialization
study of the developmental processes by which children and adolescents acquire political cognition, attitudes and behaviors.
selective exposure
Tendency to avoid information inconsistent with one’s beliefs & attitudes.
selective perception
Perceiving things according to our beliefs more than as they really are, and reacting accordingly.