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21 Cards in this Set

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Common Expressions of Emotion with the Subjunctive
alegrarse - to be happy about
esperar - to hope
lamentar - to regret/feel sorry
sentir - to regret/feel sorry
temer - to fear/be afraid
Common Expressions of Emotion that have indirect object pronouns with the Subjunctive
gustarse - glad
molestarse - annoyed
sorprenderse – surprised
Impersonal Emotional Expressions that are followed by the Subjunctive
es absurdo que - it's absurd that
es extraño que - strange
es increíble que - incredible
es major que - better
es bueno que - good
es malo que - bad
es terrible que - terrible
es una lástima que - shame
es urgente que - urgent
Expressing Hopes
Ojalá (que) - I hope
Expressions of Doubt and Denial that are used with the Subjunctive
no creer - to disbelieve
dudar - to doubt
negar - to deny
no estar seguro - to be unsure
Impersonal Expressions of Doubt and Denial that are used with the Subjunctive
es posible que - it's possible that
es imposible que - impossible
es probable que - probable
es improbable que - unlikely
no es cierto que - not certain
no es seguro que - not sure
no es verdad que - not true
Form of a Subjunctive Sentence
First Subject + indicative + que + second subject + subjunctive
(when the sentence contains an expression of influence, emotion, doubt, or denial)
When is the Subjunctive used?
With espressions of influence, emotion, doubt, or denial. The indicative is used with expressions of certainty. The infinitive is used when the subject of the sentence doen't change.
Form of the Subjunctive
Put in the yo form, drop the -o, and add the opposite endings (stem-changing verbs still stem-change and irregular yo forms are still used)
Irregular Subjunctives
dar - dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den
estar - esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén
haber - haya
ir - vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayais, vayan
saber - sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepais, sepan
ser - sea, seas, sea, seamos, seais, sean
Other Subjunctive Form Rules
Verbs ending in -car become qu, verbs ending in -gar become gu, and verbs ending in -zar become c.
Irregular Yo forms:
conocer - conozca
decir - diga
hacer - haga
oir - oiga
poner - ponga
salir - salga
tener - tenga
traer - traiga
venir - venga
ver - vea
Forming the Past Participle
For AR verbs, drop the -ar and add ado. For ER/IR verbs, drop the -er or -ir and add ido.
Irregular Past Participles
abrir - abierto
cubrir - cubierto
decir - dicho
escribir - escrito
hacer - hecho
morir - muerto
poner - puesto
resolver - resuelto
romper - roto
ver - visto
vovler - vuelto
Past Participles with spelling changes
caer - caído
creer - creído
leer - leído
oír - oído
(son)reir - (son)reído
traer - traído
The Past Participle used as an Adjective
When the past participle is used as an adjective, it is modifying a noun and it must agree in number and gender with the noun it is modifying. It is often used with estar in this instance.
Present Perfect Indicative
Used to say that someone has done something, and is formed with haber + past particple, where the past participle never changes to agree in either number or gender.

Present Perfect Subjunctive
Used to say that someone has done something when there is uncertainty about a statement and the subjunctive is required. It is formed with haber + past participle, where the past participle neither agrees in number or gender.

Verbs that require the preposition "a" before an infinitive
aprender a - to learn
ayudar a - to help
empezar a - to begin
enseñar a - to teach
invitar a - to invite
ir a - to go
venir a - to come
volver a - to return
Verbs that require the preposition "de" before an infinitive
acabar de - to finish
acordarse de - to agree
dejar de - to stop
olvidarse de - to forget
tener ganas de - to have to
tratar de - to try to
Verbs that require the preposition "en" before an infinitive
insistir en - to insist
Verbs that require the preposition "que" before an infinitive
haber que
tener que