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16 Cards in this Set

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Developmental Psychology?
Psychology that studies growth and change throughout life.
Nature vs Nurture.
The issue of whether environment or heredity influences behavior.
Contains heredity information. 23pair for mother and 23 for father.
The part of the chromosome through which genetic information is transmitted.
What is Zygote?
The new cells formed by the Union of an egg and sperm.
A developed zygote that has a heart, brain and other organs.
A developing individual from 8 weeks after conception until birth.
Genetic Influences on Fetus
Downs syndrome-cause intelletual disability. fetus receives an extra chromosome.
Sickle cell Anemia-Abnormally shaped red blood cell. Cause stunt growth, yellowish eyes,pain, vision problems.
Environmental Influences on Fetus.
The mothers: Nutrition, well being, Use of drugs, Alcohol and Nicotine use.
A new born child
What are reflexes?
Unlearned, involuntary responses that occur automatically in the presence of stimuli.
Mary Ainswort/ Attachment
Seculy attached, Avoidant attachment and Ambivalent attachment.
Parenting styles?
1) Authoritarian-unquestioned obedience from children.
2)Authoritative-firm, sets clear limits, reasons and explains things to there children
3)Permissive-Relaxed or inconsistent direction, requires little of them.
Child Care outside the Home
Advantages-High quality child care benefits child in form of social interaction and intellectual stimulation.
Disadvantage -provides little or no gain and may even hinder child development.
Erickson Theory of psychological development.
Stage1: Trust vs Mistrust stage.
Ages birth to year and half.
Stage2: Autonomy-versus-shame and doubt stage. 1 1/2 to 3 yrs. Toddlers develope independence and autonomy if exploration and freedom are encouraged or shame and self doubt if they are restricted and overprotected.
Stage3: Initiative vs Guilt stage
Ages 3-6. Children desire to act independently conflict with the guilt that comes from consequences of such behavior.
Stage4: Industry vs inferiority stage.
Age 6-12. May develop positive social interactions with others or may feel inadequate and become less sociable.
Piaget Theory of Cognitive Development
The sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Opertional and Formal Opertional.