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24 Cards in this Set

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High Tech Politics

a politics in which the behavior of citizens and policy makers and the political agenda itself are increasingly shaped by technology

mass media

the term encompasses radio, magazines, the internet, newspapers , and other means of communication

electronic/broadcast media

tv, internet and radio

print media

newspapers and magazines

investigate journalism/ adversarial press

the type of reporting that unearths scandals, scams, schemes and otherwise underhanded situations that may cause reporters to have the adversarial relationships with political leaders


media programming that is focused on one topic and aimed at a particular audience


newspapers published by massive media conglomerates that account for almost three-quarters of the nations circulation


a series, or log, of discussion items on a page of the internet

equal time ruleho

an FCC rule that if a broadcaster sells fine to one candidate, it must sell equal time to other candidates

horse-race journalism

news coverage that focuses on who is ahead rather than on the issues

routine stories

media stories about events regularly covered by reporters

feature stories

media stories about events that, thought public, are not regularly covered by reporters

insider storiesload

media stories about events that are not usually made public

loaded language

words that imply a value judgement, used to persuade a reader without having made a serious argument


a public officials statement to a reporter given on a condition that the official not be named


specific locations from which news frequently comes from, such as Capitol Hill or the White House

trial ballo

an intentional news leak for the purpose of assessing the political reaction

talking head

a shot of a persons face talking directly to the camera

sound bites

short video clips of about fifteen second; typically a small part of a politicians speech

media events

actions that are staged for the media that are made to look spontaneous

selective exposure/attention

the process through which people consciously choose to get the news from information sources that have viewpoints compatible with their own

policy entrepreneurs press conferences

people who invest in their political “capital” in an issue, whether the one in questions is in or out of government

press conferences

meeting of public officials with reporters

policy agenda

the issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actively involved in politics at the time