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44 Cards in this Set

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Intracellular vs Extracellular Digestion
Intra refers to digestion within the cell itself like in the case of glycolysis and cellular respiration. Extracellular digestion refers to digestion that takes place outside the borders of the cell
Alimentary Canal
The lumen where digestion takes place in the human body. It is the tube that connect the mouth to the anus.
Two functions of digestive tract
Digestion and Absorption
Two types of digestion
Mechanical (the breaking of materials physical tructure) and Chemical (the breaking of chemical bonds)
Early path of the Digestive Tract
Pharynx---Esophagus---Stomach---Small Intestine---Large Intestine
Accesory Organs Involved in Digestion
Pancreas, Liver, Gall Bladder
Two components of the Epithelial Layer
MUCOUS MEMBRANE which is the outer layer that is reponsible for the exchange of materials and the BASEMENT MEMBRANE that functions as the foundation of the mucous membrane
Six Types of Epithelia and Description
1) Simple=One layer
2) Stratified=More than one layer
3) Psedostratified=Looks like multiple layer but is really one layer
4) Cuboidal=Cells shaped like cubes
5) Columnar=Cells shaped like columns
6) Sqamous=Cells that are scale like
Oral Cavity Function
Function of Mastication
Increase surface are of the food so that there is a greater chemical interaction between nutrients and chemical digestive compounds
Saliva Function
1) Lubrication through coating the food
2) Contains SALIVARY AMYLASE also known as PTYALIN and LIPASE
Ptyalin and Lipase
Lipase hydrolizes lipids while Ptyalin hydrolyzes starch
Cavity that connect mouth and esophagus
Covers the trachea during swolloing
Esophageal Muscular Control
Only about the top third is composed of STRIATED SKELATAL MUSCLE which can be controlled. The rest is SMOOTH MUSCLE that operates under MYOGENIC ACTIVITY and cannot be controlled.
Muscle Contraction Moving Food
Peristalsis which is the rythmic contraction of smooth muscle which moves the BOLUS down the esophageal tube
Link Between Esophagus and Stomach
Cardiac Sphincter or Lower Esophageal Sphincter
Two glands of the Stomach Mucosa
Gastric Glands and Pyloric Glands
Gastric Glands: Cellular Composition (3) and Function
1) Chief Cells: Secrets PEPSINOGEN which is related to PEPSIN which cleaves protiens into smaller fragments
2) Parietal Cells: Secrets Hydrocholic Acid
3) Mucous Cells:Secret the mucos membrane that protects the stomach
Pyloric Glands
Secrets GASTRIN HORMONE which signals the parietal cells release more HCl.
Name for former food after processed in stomach
Stomach is primarily a_________.
Digestive site (not absorbtion)
Link between Stomach and Doudenum
Pyloric Sphincter
Three Sections of Small Inestine
Doudenum, Jenjunum, Ileum
These increase the surface area of the small intestine to increase the absorption.
Villi and Microvilli
Most of digestion occurs in the________.
Ideal pH for Pancreatic Enzymes
_______neutralizes acidic chyme.
Responsible for Carbohydrate Digestion
Pancreatice Amylase
Responsible for Protien Digestion
Trypsinogen, Chymotrysinogen, Elastinogen, Carboxypeptidase. All are activated by ENTEROKINASE
Resonsiple for Lipid Digestion
Hormone released by the small intestine as chyme move out of the stomach that signals the release of BILE from the GALL BLADDER. Bile is made in the liver and is released into the doudenum through the BILE DUCT.
Bile: mechanical or chemical digestion.
Role of Bile
EMULSIFY fat and cholesterol and and turn into miscells
Causes pancreatic juice to be released from the pancreas
Disaccharidases released by the small intestine
Maltase, Lactase, Sucrase
Slows the movement of high-fat chyme to allow for greater digesion
Sites of absorption
Jenjunum and Ileum
Movement of Amino Acids and Sugar into bloodstream
A gradient is created between intestinal capillary blood and epithelial cells. These compound move from the epithelial cells to the blood stream via ACTIVE TRANSPORT and FACILITATED DIFFUSION. Molecules then move to the LIVER via the HEPATIC PORTAL SYSTEM
Fats move into the intestinal capillaries throug_______.
Diffusion (no need for transport)
Packages of triglycerides and enter the lymphatic system through LACETALS
Vitamin Absorption
Water Soluble: A,D,E,K
Fat Soluble: B,C
Function of Colon
Absorbing water and salt
Three Section of Large Intestine
Cecum (small pocket that is connected to APPENDIX), Colon, Rectum