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25 Cards in this Set

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What occurs if you have a radial nerve injury?
wrist drop
where does the radial nerve injury need to happen for wrist drop to occur?
forearm, shaft of humerus
which muscles are paralysed for wrist drop to happen?
extensor and supinator muscles
where can you have sensory loss when you have radial n.injury?
dorsolateral aspect of forearm
What occurs when you have a median nerve injury?
ape hand, papal benediction
which muscles are paralyzed when someone has ape hand (except what muscle) ?
thenar muscle, adductor muscle
What does an atrophy nerve mean?
It's been cut and shrinks
What does it mean if you can't flex your index and middle finger?
papal benediction
if the median nerve is cut at the wrist/ forearm, what happens?
apa hand/ apa hand + papal benediction, respectively
when you have an ulnar nerve injury at the elbow, which muscle is paralyzed?
flexor carpi ulnaris
ulnar nerve injury at the wrist causes what?
claw hand
What fingers can you not flex if you have claw hand?
ring and little finger
which muscles are damaged when the ulnar nerve is that allows adduction/abduction?
interossei muscles
What can occur when you have damage of the axillary nerve?
shoulder dislocation
What are the nerve roots of the upper brachial plexus?
What could cause damage to the upper brachial plexus?
falling on your shoulder, Erb-Duchenne paralysis (traction of the arm at birth)
What are the signs of upper brachial plexus lesion?
No arm abduction, medial rotation of the arm, no elbow flexion
which muscles are damaged in the upper brachial plexus to cause those (3) signs?
deltoid & supraspinatus, infraspinatus, bicep and brachialis
What are the roots of the lower brachial plexus lesion that are affected?
What are the causes of the lower brachial plexus lesion?
upward pull of the shoulder, forced abduction of the shoulder at birth (Klumpke's paralysis)
What are the signs or symptoms of lower brachial plexus lesion?
paralysis of the intrinsic hand muscles, atrophic paralysis of the forearm, sympathetic palsy (Honers syndrome)
What is dupuytrens contracture?
thickening and shortening of palmar aponeurosis leads to partial flexing of the ring and small finger
What happens to the finger joints when you have claw hand?
hyperextended at the metacarpophalanegal joints and flexed at the interphalangeal joints
What are the signs of a musculocutaneous nerve damage?
knife wounds at the axilla; flexion and supination at the elbow joint is affected, loses senses at the lateral side of the forearm
list the parts of the humerus and what nerve is damaged?
surgical neck- axillary n.
shaft- radial n.
distal shaft- median n.
medial epicondyle- ulnar n.