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33 Cards in this Set

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an area's short term atmospheric conditions typically over hours or days
examples of atmospheric conditions
1. temperatures
2. pressure
3. moisture content
4. precipitation
5. sunshine
6. cloud cover
7. wind direction and speed
a ____ often brings cloudy skies and drizzle
warm front
the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun in ____ and away from it in
June, December
In the sub-polar regions, where summers are cool and short, the predominant vegetation is
coniferous evergreen
Deserts take a long time to recover from disturbance because of their...
slow plant growth
mountains are ecologically important because they...
-reflect solar radiation back into space
Arctic Tundra receive scarce ______
Mountains make up ____% of the earth's land surface
what is a front?
the boundary between two air masses with different temperatures and densities
what is a warm front?
-Since warm fronts are less dense than cool air it rises over a mass of cool air
cold front
the leading edge of an advancing mass of cold air staying close to the ground under the warmer air
what does a cold front produce?
thunderheads: rapidly moving, towering clouds
what happens after the cold front passes through?
have cooler temperatures and a clear sky
jet streams
-near the top of the troposphere
-hurricane force winds
-they follow rising and falling paths that have a strong influence on weather patterns
where is atmospheric pressure greatest?
near the earth's surface because the molecules in the atmosphere are squeezed together under the weight of the air above
-an air mass with high pressure
-contains cool, dense air that descends toward the earth's surface and becomes warmer
what follows a high?
fair weather follows as long as the high pressure air mass remains over an area
-a low pressure air mass
-produces cloudy and sometimes stormy weather
dew point
when the temperature drops below a certain level where condensation takes place moisture in the air condenses and forms clouds
two extames of weather extremes
1. tornadoes
2. tropical cyclones
-form over land
tropical cyclones
form over warm ocean water and sometimes pass over coastal
what is the world's most tornado prone country?
When do most tornadoes occur?
into the spring when fronts of cold air from the north penetrate deeply into the midwestern plans
a region's long term atmospheric conditions - typically over decades
what are the two main factors determining a region's climate
average temperature and average precipitation
a small genetic change that can occur in a population
long term, large scale evolutionary changes through which new spices form from ancestral species and some species are lost through extinction
what is the first step in evolution
the development of genetic variability in a population
-a particular gene may have two or more different molecular form
-each individual of a population can have different combinations of alleles
random changes in the structure or umber of DNA molecules in a cell that can be inherited by offspring
how does mutations occur?
1. by exposure of DNA to external agents such as radioactivity, X rays, and natural and human made chemicals
2. random mistakes in DNA coding