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31 Cards in this Set

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Inability to think clearly

The 3 C's

1 name

2 date

3 location

Urinary Tract Infection UTI

Cause of confusion

Confusion may come on ___ or ___

Suddenly or gradually


Some ability to think logically and clearly may be lost with aging


Serious loss of mental abilities such as thinking, remembering, reasoning and communicating

Alzheimer's disease

Causes tangled nerve fibers and protein deposits to form in the brain

Are skills a person has used over lifetime usually kept longer?


If the resident is frightened or anxious what should you do?

Check her body language make sure she is not tense or hurried

If the resident forgets or shows memory loss what should you do

Repeat myself use the same words if I need to repeat instruction or question


Repeat words phrases questions or actions

If the resident does this do not stop him answer his questions using the same words each time until he stops

If the resident seems not to understand basic instructions were questioned what should you do

Ask the resident to repeat her word I should use short words and sentences and allow time to answer

What else can you do if the resident does not understand basic instructions or questions

You signs pictures gestures or written words for example a picture of a toilet on the bathroom door can remind them where the bathroom is combining verbal and nonverbal communication is helpful for example she can say let's get dressed now as she holds up clothes

If the resident has lost most verbal skills what should you do

Use non-verbal skills as speaking abilities decline people with Alzheimer's disease will still understand touch smiles and laughter for much longer however some people do not like to be touched

If the resident has problems with bathing what should you do

Schedule bathing when the resident is least agitated she should be organized so the bath can be quick

If the resident has problems with grooming and dressing what should you do

Encourage the resident to pick clothes to wear giving just a few choices is best the NA should layout clothing in the order in which they are put on

If the resident has problems with toileting what should you do

Mark a bathroom with a sign or a picture this is a reminder of where it is and to use the toilet

If the resident gas problems with nutrition what should you do

Finger foods allow eating while moving around also use simple place setting with a single eating utensil and remove other items from the table also plane plates without patterns or colors work best


Resident gets restless and agitated in the late afternoon evening or night

If a resident experiences sundowning what should you do

Set a bedtime routine and keep it

If a resident is violent what should you do

Try to remove triggers


Residents may try to leave a facility unsupervised and unnoticed

If a resident is experiencing hallucinations or delusions what should you do

Reassure a resident who seems agitated or worried also be calm and reassure resident that I'm there to help

What should you do if a resident is repeating phrases

Be patient and not try to silence or stop her I should answer questions each time they are asked and use the same words each time

If a resident is caught in inappropriate sexual behavior what should you do

I should distract them and if that does not work I can gently direct him to the private area


Taking things that belong to someone else


Collecting and putting things away and I'm guarded way

How can you help lessen problems with hoarding and pillaging

Provide a rummage drawer where items that are safe for the resident can be taken with him

Reality orientation

Using calendars clocks signs and list to help resident remember who and where they are is useful in early stages of Alzheimer's on the resident is confused but not totally disoriented in later stages this can frustrate residents


Giving value to or approving when using validation therapy the nursing assistant should make no attempt to reorient the resident to actual circumstances this can comfort and reduce agitation it is useful in cases of moderate-to-severe disorientation

Reminiscence therapy

Encourage residents to remember and talk about the past