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45 Cards in this Set

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Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Found in eucaryotes

Function: in nutrient processing, synthesis and storage of nonprotein molecules sup as lips



Found in both eucaryotes and procaryotes

Function: motility



Found in eucaryotes

Function: Control center. Store cell inheritance (DNA) material and coordinates the cell activities.


Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Found in eucaryotes

Function: site for protein synthesis



Found in both eucaryotes and procaryotes

Function: adherence, protection,and signal reception


Golgi apparatus

Found in eucaryotes

Function: packing and modification of protein prior to secretion



Found in eucaryotes

Function: motility and feeding and filtering



Or energy generator or fuel house

Found in eucaryotes

Function: energy production.


Cell wall

Found in eucaryotes and procaryotes

Function: support and shape


Plasma membrane

Found in eucaryotes

Function: protect cells from its surroundings



Found in eucaryotes

Function: making proteins in the cell



Found in eucaryotes

Function: conversion of sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis



Found in both eucaryotes and procaryotes

Function: protein synthesis

What is the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus

Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus

What is a Symbiosis?

Two or more organisms in a mutual relationship

The role of symbiosis in revolution of eukaryotic cells.

They first appeared a proximately 2 billion years ago

Evidence suggest it evolution from prokaryotic organisms by Symbiosis

Organelle's originated from prokaryotic cells trapped inside them

What is the difference between cilia and Flagella?

Cilia is found only on a single group of Protozoa and certain animals.

flagella Long Sheathed cylinder containing microtubules in a 9 to 2 arrangement

Mitochondria how was it evolved, it's structure and function

Evolved from prokaryotic cells and Endosymbiosis. Consist of an outer membrane and a inner membrane with folds called cristae. Also functions in energy production

Where are the nucleolus located ? What are the major responsibilities carried out by the nucleus.

It is contained within the cells nucleus

It is a dark area for rRNA synthesis and Ribosomes assembly

Protozoans and their important characteristics.

Very in shape, lack of a cell wall

Some are animal parasite and can be spread by insects vectors

Most have locomotor structures like flagella, Cilia or pseudopods


2 morphology

Yeast : single celled, round oval shaped asexual reproduction.

Mold : multicellular, contains multiple identical nuclei, have long filaments known as hyphae.



Asexual reproduction: spores are formed through budding or mitosis; conidiophores or sporangiospore.

Sexual reproduction: spores are form following fusion of male and female strains and formation of sexual structure.

Zygospores: One type of sexual spore when male and female unite.


Importances of spores

Helps to identify the fungi



Fungal infection



Person who studies fungal infections or fungi



Characteristics of some pathogenic moles

Example: penicillin Marneffei at room temperature, it grows as mold. At body temperature, it grows as a yeast.

Fungal Organization

Filamentous fungus: Mass of hyphae called Mycelium; cottony, hairy, or velvety texture

Endoplasm reticulum (ER)

An interconnected network of membranous, hollow sacs that synthesize and transport cell substance. The ER serves as a passageway for materials between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. It

Two types of endoplasmic reticulum and their role

Rough endoplasmic reticulum : (RER) originates from the outer membrane of the Nuclear envelope and extends through cytoplasm. Rough due to Ribosomes site for protein synthesis

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) : closed tubular network without Ribosomes; Functions the in nutrient processing, synthesis and other storage of protein molecules such as lipids

Internal structure

Golgi apparatus

( Golgi bodies)

The side of the cell that collects proteins and package them for transport to their final destination. Consist of a stack of flattened sacks with spaces or cisternae.

Golgi Apparatus

Functioning, formation of lysosomes

Transitional vesicles from the ER containing protein go to the Golgi apparatus for modification and maturation

Condensing vesicles transport proteins to organelles such as lysosome( inside the cell) or transported outside the cell as secretory vessels(leaves cell)

Internal Structure


Vesicles containing enzymes(proteins) that originate from Golgi apparatus.

Involved in intracellular digestion of food particles and protection against invading microbes

External boundary structures

Cell wall

rigid, provides structural support and shape.

External boundary structure


Have thick inner layer mainly composed of chitin(carbohydrate)

External Bandary structure


Substance commonly found include cellulose

External structure



An outermost boundary that comes into direct contact with environment.

Appears as a network of fibers, A slime layer or capsule

Function in adherence, protection and signal reception

Kingdom Protista


Most are free living and fresh and marine water (plankton)

Kingdom Protista


Small and microscopic organisms drifting or floating in the sea of freshwater.

Kingdom Protista


Coastal marine species which "bloom" during the warm months of summer. These species reproduce in such great numbers that the water may appear golden or red, producing a "red tide"

Internal structure


Found in algae and plant cells.

Outer membrane covers inner membrane folds into sacs, thylakoids, stacked into grana.

Larger then mitochondria.

Contains photo synthetic pigments ( chlorophyll).

Convert the energy of sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis.

Has Ribosomes 10s and DNA.

Internal structure

Importance of Nucleus and its structure

Control center.

Dark area for rRNA synthesis and ribosomes assembly

Important Diseases

T. Cruzi

CHaga's disease; South and Central America.

Vector is Reduviid bug or kissing bug

Important diseases

T. Brucei

African sleeping sickness.

Vector is Tsetse fly

Important diseases

Entamoeba histolytic

(Amebic Dysentery)

(A) cyst are eaten.

(B) Amoebas emerge from cyst.

(C) Trophozoites invade the large intestinal wall.

(D) mature cyst are released in the feces and may be spread through contaminated food and water