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17 Cards in this Set

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Which superphylum does Phylum Platyhelminthes belong to?

Superphylum Lophotrochozoa

What kind of animals belong to Phylum Platyhelminthes?

Flatworms, flukes, and tapeworms

What kind of environment do flatworms live in?


Describe the body plan of flatworms.

Bilaterally symmetrical

Triploblastic- 3 germ layers

Acoelomate- ONLY phylum without coelom

What does tissue cooperation result in? Give examples.

Sense organs:

Ocelli- eye spots

Auricle- "ears"

Describe flatworms' nervous mechanism.

Cerebral ganglia (nerve bodies) and double ventral nerve cords

Describe flatworms' digestive mechanism. Is it complete or incomplete?

Gastrovascular cavity- incomplete

What is the pharynx?

The mouth/anus tube that leads to the gastrovascular cavity

Describe flatworms' respiratory mechanism.


Describe flatworms' circulatory mechanism.


Describe flatworms' nitrogen waste removal mechanism.


What do flatworms use for structural support?

They do not have structural support.

How do flatworms move?

Flatworms have cillia on their ventral sides and they have muscle cells.

How do flatworms maintain internal stability?

In marine environments, they are conformers.

In freshwater environments, they use tubules and flame cells.

How do flatworms reproduce?

Asexually- regeneration

Sexually- flatworms are hermaphroditic

What class or classes belong in Phylum Platyhelminthes? Describe an example of each.

Class Turbellaria: Planaria/Dugesia- non-parasitic

Class Trematoda: Flukes- parasitic in digestive systems

Class Cestoda: Tapeworms- parasitic in digestive systems; attaches to intestinal walls using hooks and suckers

What are proglottids?

Segments of a tapeworm