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35 Cards in this Set

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Name the 2 types of reflexes

Simple: built in, unlearned

Acquired/Conditioned: result of practice and learning

List the 5 different reflexes

1. simple/basic or conditioned/acquired

2. monosnyaptic or polysynaptic

3. crossed or uncrossed

4. Ipsilateral or contralateral

5. flexor or extensor

Explain monosynaptic or polysynaptic reflexes

involves one or many interneurons

Explain crossed or uncrossed reflexes

crosses or does not cross the spinal cord
Explain Ipsilateral or contralateral reflexes

reaches either one side of the spinal cord or the opposite side of the spinal cord

Explain flexor or extensor reflexes

either flew or extend a particular organ

What reflex prepares an infant for voluntary grasping?

Grasp reflex

What is the rooting reflex

a reflex that may prepare infant to turn its head towards the side of the face to find the nipple or bottle

Rooting reflex may be accomplished by the

suckling reflex

How can the coughing and gagging reflex by accomplished in the development of the reflexes?

When infant places nipple in its mouth - it touches the roof of mouth

What reflex can a newborn use to clear irritation?

the coughing and gagging reflex

What is the babinski reflex?

Extensions of great toe with a faning of the other tow when the lateral plantar surface of the foot is stroked from the heel across the ball of the foot

How can the moro/startle reflex be accomplished in the development of reflexes?

Infant flinging its arms out then bringing them back towards the centre of the body to hold when startled or jarred

What happens to reflexes with aging? (2)

1. reflexes may be vastly diminished

2. decreased number of nerve axons and their myelination - so deep tendon reflexes are difficult to elicit

What reflexes may by absent in an older/aging person?

Achilles and plantar reflexes may be absent

Afferent division of the PNS carries

information to the CNS

Efferent division carries

information away from CNS to effector organs

Efferent division is divided into

1. Somatic

- consists of fibres of motor neurons that supply skeletal muscles

- voluntary movement

2. Autonomic

- consists of fibres that innerate smooth and cardiac muscle and glands

Autonomic NS is divided into

1. sympathetic

2. parasympathetic

The spinal cord extends from the brain through the _________

vertebral canal

There are ____ pairs of spinal nerves that emerge from the spinal cord through __________ formed between _______ of ________ ____________

There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves that emerge from the spinal cord through spaces form between arches of adjacent vertebrae.

Name for region of vertebral column which the spinal nerve pairs emerge (5)

8 pairs cervical (neck) nerves

12 pairs thoracic (chest) nerve

5 pairs lumbar (abdominal) nerves

5 pairs sacral (pelvic) nerves

1 pair coccygeal (tailbone) nerves

Define nerve

bundle of peripheral neruonal tissue axon, enclosed by connective tissue

Define mixed nerve

contain motor and sensory information - most spinal nerves are mixed nerves

Define nerve plexus

network/bundle of nerve fibres

Define dermatone:

a special region of the body surface supplied by a particular nerve

What are the 3 different spinal nerve roots?

1. dorsal and ventral roots

2. dorsal root ganglion

3. spinal nerves

Dorsal root =

Ventral root =

Dorsal root = sensory

Ventral root = motor

Spinal cords white matter (3)

- contains ascending and descending tracts which begin and end with a particular area of the brain

- OUTER whitish region

- groups into tracts and columns

Descending tracts

carry motor information from the brain to the spinal ford via efferent inputs

Ascending tracts

carry sensory information from the spinal cord to the brain via afferent inputs

Gray matter of spc (3)

- within the center of spc

- contain central canal filled with CSF

- contain neural cell bodies with dendrites, short interneurons and glial cells

Gray matter is divided into

Dosal: cell bodies of interneurons on which afferent neurons terminate

Ventral: cell bodies of autonomic efferent nerve fibres

Lateral horn: cell bodies of somatic efferent neurons

An automatic response without conscious control/effort is called a


Afferent fibres enter the spc through the _____

Efferent fibres leave the spc through the ______

Afferent enter through dorsal root

Efferent leave through ventral root