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75 Cards in this Set

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The first Permanent English settlement in America
Fort built and defended by George Washington. It helped to ignite the French and Indian War
Fort Necessity
War started over colonial settlements in the Ohio river Valley. Between the French and Indians versus the British and colonist
French and Indian war
Powhatan Princess that married John Rolfe and helped form peaceful relations between Indians and settlers
War prior to the French and Indian war started by Metacomet over settlement in the Ohio River Valley
King Phillip's War
Person that introduced tobacco as a cash crop to the colonist
John Rolfe
People who signed a contract to work 4-7 years for a person who paid their passage to the New World
Indentured Servants
System where people who paid their own passage to the New World were givern 50 acres and 50 more for each passage they paid for another person
Headright system
The Treaty that ended the French and Indian War.
Treaty of Paris
What were the conditions of the Treaty of Paris?
Btitain recieved Canada, and all French lands east of the Mississippi River except New Orleans.
A revolt against taxes and the belief that colonist should be able to take indian land that resulted in the burning of Jamestown
Bacon's rebellion
A bill passed by Maryland Colony that made it against the law to restrict the religious rights of Christians
Toleration Act of 1649
A rebellion that was caused by an attack on British forts on the frontier by Indians that opposed the settlement of the Ohio River Valley by colonist. It caused King George to issue the Proclimation of 1763
Pontiac's Rebellion
A proprietary Colony that was split into two colonies
The Carolinias
Procliamation that banned settlement west of the Appalatician Mountains. Forces colonial settlers to leave the Ohio River Valley
Procliamation of 1763
Colony founded by James Olgothrope as a colony for people from English debtor's prison
Laws to control slaves
Slave codes
Leader of the Great Awakening movement
Johnathan Edwards
Persons that wanted to purify or reform the Anglican Church
Movement in the 1700's that spread the idea that reason and logic could be used to improve society
Colonal group that wanted to separate from the Anglican Church
Leader of the Enlightenment movement
John Locke
Rights such as life liberty and property according to John Locke
Natural Rights
A contract that excist between people and government in which people give power to the govenment in exchange for government procting their natural rights
Social Contract
Ship that landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620
Act that said that colonist could not trade sugar or cotton with any country but England and had to use British ships to transport goods and had to go through English ports and be taxed
Navigation Acts of 1660
Indian that helped the Pilgrims survive in Plymouth Colony
Trade between Europe, Africa and the Americas
Triangular Trade
Puritian Settlement led by John Winthrop
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Legislative body in the colonies
Passed by king James as a mesaure to control colonies put all northern colonies in America under one government under his direction
Dominion of New Wngland
Founder of the colony of Connecticut
Thomas Hooker
English Document that reduced the power of the king and increased te power of Parliament
English Bill Of Rights
Founded the Providence Colony Of Rhode Island
Roger Williams
His trial showed the colonial belief in Freedom Of Press
John Peter Zenger
Founder of the Portsmouth colony of Rhode Island
Anne Hutchinson
Society of Friends; they believed in the equality of men and women
1st college founded in the New World
2nd college/ founded in Virgiania
William and Mary
Orginal name of New York
New Amsterdam
Colony Founded by the Dutch / directed by peter Stuyvesant
New Netherlands
Orginally part of Penn. until 1776 became the first state in the U.S.
Crops need for every day use
Staple Crops
Crops planted and intended to be sold for a profit
Cash crops
A colony owned by a king or Queen
Royal Colony
A colony owned by an individual or group
Proprietary Colony
A two house Legislature
A set of principals that made Connecticut's government more democratic
fundamental orders of Connecticut
A craftsmen that is just learning his skill
A craftsperson that is sent to other masters to fine tune their skills
A craftsman that is very skilled in his trade
Master Craftsman
The site of the Witch Trials
Salem Massachusetts
Part of the Virginia Assembly elected by the people
House of Burgesses
First colonal legislature in America
Virginia Assembly
Colony founded as a refuge for Quakers
The city of "Brotherly love" Capital of Pennsylvania
Government in New england where people met to discuss issues of local importance and make decisions
Town Meeting
Set up by Sam Adams and James Otis to share information about new British Laws and how to oppose them
Committiees of Correspondence
Famous Colonial slogan against British Taxation
"no taxation without Representation"
What did the colonist call the Coersive Acts
The intolerable Acts
What did the Intolerable (Coersive) Acts do?
Closed Boston Harbor/made General Gage Governor of Mass./ Quatering Act/cancelled the charter for Massachusetts/said the colonial governor would decide when the colonial legislature would meet
The killing of Three Colonist outside of a Boston Custom House
Boston Massacre
The Colonial Ship that was seized that started the Events that led to the Boston Tea Party
The Liberty
British Legislature
Act that gave Parliament the right to make laws for the colonist in all cases whatsoever
Declaratory Act
Act that allowed the east India Tea Company to be the sole provider of tea for the colonies and placed a tax on Tea
Tea act
Act that required the colonist to pay a tax to buy a stmp to be placed on all paper goods
Stamp Act
Act that gave Britian the right to house soldiers in Colonial Homes
Quartering Act
King that first tried to take control of the colonies
James II
The first direct attempt to tax the colonies
Stamp Act
This allowed custom officials to seize ships on suspicion of smuggling
Writs of Assistance
Parliment Act that attmpted to tax the colonies by placing a tax on lead, glass, paper, tea and paints. It gave customs officials writs of assistance.
Townsend Acts
To not buy a good or goods in protest
Promoted Self Government/fair laws
Mayflower Compact
Event that occured when colonist dressed as Indians threw Tea off a British ship into Boston Harbor
Boston Tea Party