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11 Cards in this Set

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Stroke is complete when

Neurological deficits do not change for 2 to 3 days.

Unlike a TIA a completed

stroke causes lingering motor, sensory or cognitive damage with disabilities.

30% of stroke survivors

return to work or productive lives within 1 year.

Two Types of Strokes

Hemorrhagic & Ischemic

Hemorrhagic Stroke

20% of strokes, causes increased ICP, pt will be ICU and PT will be on tele.

Hemorrhagic Stroke Classifed by location and are:

Intracerebral (w/in cerebrum)

Within the brain spaces will be either subdural, subarachnoid or ventricular.

Hemorrhagic strokes are sudden and require life-sustaining treatment


Subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs

between arachnoid & pia matter layers of brain covering

Subarachnoid hemorrhage may be caused by

Malformation of blood vessels in brain or ruptured aneurysm

Right Brain Damage Stroke affects

Paralyzed left side, left side neglect, rapid performance, short attention span, impaired judgement and impaired time concept

Left Side brain damage

Impaired speech/language aphasia, impaired right/left discrimination, aware of deficit causing depression & anxiety, impaired comprehension r/t language & math