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48 Cards in this Set

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this estate was the clergy, .5% of population.
this estate was the nobility, 1.5% of population.
this estate was the peasants, bourgeoisie, and workers, 98% of population.
near collapse of government's finances, food shortages and poor harvests, and price increases for food are ____ causes of the French Revolution.
middle class French.
called by Louis XVI to raise new taxes.
Estates-General meeting
called themselves a National Assembly and drafted a constitution.
3rd estate
the 3rd estate's move to a tennis court and swearing to meet until a constitution was made.
Tennis Court Oath
the prison and armory was destroyed during this.
Storming the Bastille
time of panic throughout France.
Great Fear
freedom and equal rights for all men, adopted by the National Assembly.
Declaration of the Rights of Man & The Citizen
makes the laws.
Legislative Assembly
attacked the Legislative Assembly, suspending the monarchy and calling fourth a National Convention.
Radical Paris Commune
will choose France's future government.
National Convention
Paris Commune members or ordinary patriots without fine clothes
split into 2 factions over the fate of the king.
National Convention
assassinated by a Girondist.
Jean-Peal Marat
Revolutionary Tribunal
cluster of small iron balls.
led the Reign of Terror.
Danton and Robespierre
this was the slogan of the revolution.
"Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity"
gave its powers to the Committee of Public Safety.
National Convention
set in motion the Reign of Terror.
Committee of Public Safety or C.O.P.S.
Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, George Danton, and Robespierre all died by:
these people died by guillotine.
Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, George Danton, and Robespierre
democratic republic composed of nothing but good citizens.
Republic of Virtue
his guillotining ended the Reign of Terror.
this government had 5 dictators chosen by both houses of the legislature for one year terms.
sudden overthrow of government.
Coup D' etat
won vs. Egypt initially, but France was destroyed by the British navy under Admiral Horatio Nelson during this.
Battle of the Nile
overthrows directory.
Coup D' etat
promised France order and stability and pledged reforms.
the French empire, the dependent states, and the allied states were the 3 main components of this.
Grand Empire
has a super strong navy.
Great Britain
France and Spain were defeated by the Great Britain navy in this.
Battle of Trafalgar
fought better on land than at sea.
prohibited French or allied ships to trade with Britain.
Continental System
Portugal didn't comply with the Continental System which caused this.
Peninsular War
hit and run style.
guerrilla warfare
made Catholic France and religious toleration.
Concordat of 1801
created economic regulation.
Bank of France and Tax system
made uniform law, order and authority trump individual liberties, no freedom of speech/ press, only applies to males, no rights for women, husbands > wives, and a new focus on education.
Napoleonic Code of Law
a sense of identity and unity as a people.
the Russian army defeated the French at this event.
Battle of Borodino
Napoleon escaped Elba and landed in France which began this.
Hundred Days
the end of Napoleon's military career and Napoleonic Wars.
Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo
these people had a future desire to put down revolution wherever it may appear.
planned to restore order and stability to Europe after the Napoleonic wars.
Congress of Vienna