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29 Cards in this Set

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A unitary form of government is defined as

A system in which states and other governmental units are completely controlled by and under the authority of a central government

After repealing the Stamp Act in 1766, Parliament passed the Declaratory Act, which

Stated that Parliament had supremacy over the colonies

At the time of the founding of the new nation, Britain had what form of government?

Unitary form of government

During the Stamp Act Congress of 1765, it

all the above

For the Constitution to become the new national government after the Continental Congress passed it, __________ of the states had to ratify it.


Given that those who were not men, were not White, and did not own property were not intended to enjoy full inclusion in the new government system, which of the following founding values was the least genuinely put into practice?


How did Parliament respond to the protest of the Boston Tea Party?

all the above

How did the constitutional Framers arrange the new institutions to insulate the president from the pressures of the democratic influence of the masses?

By creating indirect election through the Electoral College.

How many times has the president lost the popular vote, but won the election via the Electoral College?


If slaveholding states considered slaves property, not people, why did they want slaves counted as free persons within the Census?

This would provide these states with greater representation in the House of Representatives.

In terms of checks and balances, which branch of government cannot check the power of another?

None of the above

In what year did the First Continental Congress meet in Philadelphia?


Individuals may run to become a U.S. Representative at the age of ________.


Many of the amendments have worked to break down the direct political effects of which theoretical tradition?


The Articles of Confederation established a _____________, in which the legislative body consisted of only one house.

Unicameral form of government

The Articles of Confederation failed because of

The inability of the government to exert any real power in the running of the nation

The colonists believed they were being treated unfairly by Britain because of

All of the above

The creation of a weak central government under the Articles of Confederation was a logical step for the new nation given that

The colonists had rebelled against the absolutism of the British government

The decision to have a president was a compromise between which two plans?

Virginia and New Jersey

The delegates of the Constitutional Convention created a new governmental system with which of the following powers?

All the above

The existence of the Internal Revenue Service is an example of Congress's

implied powers

The existence of the U.S. Army is an example of Congress's

Enumerated Powers

The first 10 amendments of the Constitution are known as the

Bill of right s

The first U.S. government was based on

The articles of Confederation

The Framers of the Constitution worked to find a balance between

The authority of the states and the authority of the central government

The key factor that led to success during the Constitutional Convention was

The ability to compromise

The manner in which the Constitution divides power among the three branches of government—the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary—refers to

Separation of powers

The necessary and proper clause is also known as the

Elastic clauses

There are _______ electors in the Electoral College.