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11 Cards in this Set

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earth Surface extending downward to the center of the earth and upward to infinity

Real estate

land at, above, &below the earth's surface plus all things permanently attached to it.

Real property

Interests,benefits and rights that are automatically included in the ownership of land and real estate.

Subsurface rights

Rights to the natural resources lying below the earth's surface

Surface rights

The right to use the surface of the earth.

Air rights

The rights to use the space above the earth may be sold or leased independently, provided those rights have not been preempted by law.

Personal property

Property that is movable and not affixed to or associated with the land.


Items of personal property

Chairs, tables, bank accounts

Manufactured housing

Dwellings that are built offsite and trucked to a building lot where they're installed or assembled.


Personal property that has been sho affixed to land or building, by law, it becomes part of the real property.

Kitchen cabinets, heating systems, doors

Trade fixture (chattel fixture)

Article owned by a tenant and attached to a rented space or building or used in conducting a business.

Store shelves, bars, pizza oven