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10 Cards in this Set

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What are the difference between broad-based indeces and narrow-based?

A narrow-based index measures the performance of a particular market segment whereas a broad-based measures stock that reflect the whole market

What is the difference in exercising an index option versus an equity option?

If the option is exercised there is no change of physical securities but instead the exercise results in a cash settlement

Volatility Market Index Options

Broad-based option calculated using the bid adn ask quotes of S&P index options. Weight both nearby and second nearby options that ahve at least eight days to expiration to produce a 30-day measure of volatility.

What is the expiration cycle for VIX options?

VIX options expire on the Wednesday that is 30 days prior to the third Friday of the following calendar month

Who regulates the foreign currency market?

The Interbank Market establishes foreign currency rates

What are spot and forward transactions?

Spot transactions settle two business days after a trade of foreign currency while forward transactions settle in more than two days

What are the six currencies on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange?

Australian Dollar (XDA)

British Pound (XDB)

Canadian Dollar (XDC)

Euro (XDE)

Swiss Franc (XDS)

Japanese Yen (XDN) -- sold in units of 1,000,000

What yield-based options can be purchased?

13-week treasury bills (IRX)

Five-year treasury notes (FVX)

10-year treasury notes (TNX)

30-year treasury bonds (TYX)

How are yield-based options settled?

They are settled on a cash basis with no physical delivery of securities

If an investor believes interest rates will decline they should...

Buy yield-based puts or sell yield-based calls