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31 Cards in this Set

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Free Soil Party
political party that opposed slavery, especially in new territories
mid- 19th century
they affected political elections
Fugitive Slave Laws
laws that were passed to help return runaway slaves
passed in 1793 & 1850
prevented many slaves from being free
Harriet Tubman
African American abolitionist, humanitarian, & union
1820- 1913
helped hundreds of slaves to runaway & escape through a network called the underground railroad
Ostend Manifesto
a document that implied that it made sense that if the united states didn't purchase cuba from spain they would be inclined to declare war
Kansas Nebraska Act
created kansas & nebraska
opened new lands & repealed the missouri compromise of 1820
Wilmot Proviso
would have banned slavery in any territory to be acquired from new mexico
one of the events leasing to the civil war
William Lloyd Garrison
American abolitionist, journalist & social reformer
1805- 1879
editor of the abolitionist newspaper "the Liberator" one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society
Frederick Douglas
american social reformer, orator, writer & statesman
1818- 1895
a leader of the abolitionist movement
Popular Sovereignty
belief that all legitimacy of the state come from the power of its people
Underground Railroad
a vast network of people who helped slaves escape to the north & canada
Compromise of 1850
intricate package of 5 bills
was able to quiet the tension between slave states & free states for four years
Dred Scott Decision
a ruling by US supreme court that any person imported into the US of African descent would be made a slave
Panic of 1857
a financial panic caused by a declining international economy & overexpansion of the domestic economy
Uncle Tom's Cabin
an anti-slavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
helped lay the groundwork for the civil war
Bleeding Kansas
a series of conflicts between Anti-slavery free staters & pro-slavery supporters
1854- 1858
Crittenden Compromise
unsuccessful proposal by Kentucky senator John J. Crittenden
led the southern states to secession from US
Forst Sumter
the bombardment & surrender of Fort Sumter
started the civil war
Jefferson Davis
American statesman & leader of the confederacy in the civil war
1808- 1889
stayed the president of the confederate states for the entire period of the war
Anaconda Plan
an outline of strategy for subduing the seceding states
civil war
Robert E. Lee
United States army officer & combat engineer
1807- 1870
Commanding general of the confederate army in the civil war
Ulysses S. Grant
18th President of the US
1822- 1885
military commander for the union during the civil war
Iron Clads
stem- propelled warships protected by iron or steel armor
successful in the civil war
Battle of Antietam
First major battle of the civil war
bloodiest single day in american history
Emancipation Proclamation
executive order given by President Lincoln during the civil war
proclaimed the freedom of a quarter of the nation's slaves
54th Regiment
infantry regiment that whose services were used extensively in the Civil war
Morril Tariff Act (1861)
protected tariff to encourage industry & highway of industrial powrs
Homestead Act (1862)
gave 50 acres of undeveloped federal land for a minimum of 5 years of they promised to develop it
Legal Tender Act (1862)
created to issue paper money to finance civil war without raising taxes
Pacific Railway Act (1862)
promoted construction of transcontinenal road
National Bank Act (1863)
established a national currency
Battle of Vicksburg
final big military action in the civil war by the Vicksburg Campain