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69 Cards in this Set

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A needle is inserted into the subarachnoid space to withdraw CSF for both diagnostic procedures and treatments.

Spinal Tap

Spinal taps are performed below L3 to avoid the?

Spinal Cord

What happens when the spinal cord is severed at or above C3, C4, or C5?

Respiratory Arrest

Erb-Duchenne palsy or waiter's tip position

Injury to the superior roots of the brachial plexus (C5-C6)

Wrist drop

Injury to the radial (and axillary) nerve

Median nerve palsy, numbness and pain in the palm and fingers.

Injury to the median nerve

Ular nerve palsy, or clawhand.

Injury to the unlar nerve

Winged Scapula, arm cannot be abducted beyond the horizontal position.

Injury to the long thoracic nerve

Compression of this nerve is the most common cause of back pain. Because this is the longest nerve in the human body, pain may extend from the butt to the feet.

Sciatic nerve (sciatica)

Herniated disc

dislocated hip

osteoarthritis of lumbosacral spine

Pathological shortening of thigh muscles

uterus pressure during pregnancy



improperly administered gluteal injection

Sitting on a wallet for long periods

Ways to mess up your sciatic nerve

Spinal cord is protected by

Bone (vertebrae)

CT (meninges)

Spinal Fluid

Adipose Tissue

Spinal cord beings at the base of the medulla oblongata at the level of the foramen magnum and terminates at?


Spinal Cord and nerves contributes to homeostasis by:

-quick responses to stimuli

-Sensory input

-Motor output

-Integrating EPSPs and IPSPs

(Excitatory Post Synaptic Potentials)

Tough outer most layer

Dura Mater

Middle layer with web-like projections

Arachnoid mater

Inner most layer; highly vascular

Pia Mater

Contain somatic motor neurons

Anterior grey horns

Contain cell bodies of ANS

Lateral grey horns

Contain cell bodes that receive impulses from sensory neurons

Posterior grey horns

Connects the left and right sides of the grey matter

Gray commissure

Consists of tracts -- bundles of axons in the CNS, Sensory tracts carry impulses to the brain, Motor tracts carry impulses away from the brain

Anterior, lateral and Posterior white columns

Spinal nerves send info from sensory receptors in the PNS to the spinal cord, and info from the spinal cord to......


How many pairs of spinal nerves emerge from intervetebral foramina?


Anterior and posterior _____ attach a spinal nerve to a segment of the spinal cord.


A spinal nerve is formed from a posterior root and an anterior root that unite to form one nerve (with branches). The posterior root carries sensory fibers and the anterior root carries motor fibers. These are called.....

Mixed nerves

A nerve is made up of bundles of ____ in the PNS


Surrounds the whole nerve _______.

Surrounds each fascicle ________.

Surrounds each axon _________.




After passing through intervertebral foramina spinal nerves divide into braches known as.....


Connect to ANS sympathetic ganglia

Rami Communicantes

8 Cervical

12 Thoracic

5 Lumbar

5 Sacral

1 Coccygeal

Spinal nerve divisions

Four main nerve plexuses.....





______ plexus is formed from the ventral rami of C5-T1. It serves the shoulders and upper limbs.


Axillary nerve innervates....

deltoid and teres minor muscles

Musculocutaneous nerve innervates......

Anterior muscles of the arm

Ulnar nerve innervates....

Flexor carpi ulnaris, medial-half of lexor digitorum profundis, and most hand muscles

Meidal nerve innervates

Muslces of anterior forearm (exluding flexor carpi ulnaris and other muscles supplied by ular nerve) and some of the muscles of the hand

Raidal nerve innervates....

Muslces of posterior arm and forearm

______ plexus is formed from the anterior rami of C1-C5. It innervates the scalp, neck, shoulders, and chest.


______ plexus is formed from the anterior rami from L1-L4. It supplies the skin and muscles of the abdominal wall, external genitalia, and part of the lower limbs.


Femoral nerve innervates....

Iliacus, quadriceps femoris, sartorius, pectineus

Obturator nerve innervates....

Adductor longus, adductor brevis, and part of adductor magnus, gracillis

______ plexus is formed from anterior rami from L4-S4. It supplies the buttocks, perineum, and most of the lower limbs.


Tibial nerve innervates....

Gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, plantaris, flexor hallucis longus

Common fibular nerve innervates...

Fibularis longus muscle, tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus

These nerves serve the intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles, deep back muscles, and overlying skin of these muscles, including the skin of the axilla.


A _____ is a fast, predictable, automatic response to changes in the environment.


Reflex contraction of a skeletal muscle

Somatic reflex

Reflex response involves cardiac/smooth muscle or glands

Autonomic Relex

A __________ is a section of the skin that provides sensory input to the CNS via a pair of nerves or the trigeminal nerve.

Local anesthetics can bin injected


Responds to a stimulus, sends a GP that starts an AP (if strong enough)

Sensory receptor

Propagates the AP and synapses with neurons in CNS

Sensory neuron

Located in grey matter of CNS. Transfers info from the sensory neuron to a motor neuron;

integrating center

_____ one synapse between sensory and motor neurons

monosynaptic reflex arc

______ multiple synapses between nuerons

polysynaptic reflex arc

Carries the AP to an effector

Motor neuron

Skeletal/cardiac/smooth muscle or glands


Controls muscle tension by causing muscles relation before muscle force becomes too great. Prevents muscle damage by making you drop a heavy weight.

Tendon Reflex

While enhancing balance in the opposite limb

Crossed-Extensor Reflex

Causes contraction of a muscle by tapping on a tendon. Found at the elbow, wrist, knee and ankle joints.

Stretch reflex

Moves on limb to avoid injury or pain

Flexor (withdrawal) reflex

The brain contributes to homeostasis by
Receiving sensory input

Integrating information

Making decisions

Executing responses

Storing information

It’s also the center for language, emotions, behavior, and creativity

The adult human brain has a mass of about
11.3 kg (abt. 3 lbs)

Four major parts of the brain

Cerebrum (largest part)Diencephalon 
Brain Stem 
Cerebrum (largest part)


Brain Stem


The brain is protected by
Cranial bones

Cranial meninges: Pia, arachnoid, and dura materCranial dura mater is composed of 2 layers: periosteal (ext) and meningeal (int)

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

separates the two hemispheres of the cerebrum
Falx cerebri
Falx cerebri
separates the two hemispheres of the cerebellum
Falx cerebelli
Falx cerebelli
separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum
Tentorium cerebelli
Tentorium cerebelli
Blood flows to the brain via the vertebral and carotid arteries and flows back to the heart via the 
Blood flows to the brain via the vertebral and carotid arteries and flows back to the heart via the
jugular veins 
jugular veins
The brain represents about 2% of body weight, but utilizes about _____ of the body’s O2 and glucose supply.
