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31 Cards in this Set

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Define Physical Activity:
Describes any movement produced by muscle that increases energy expenditure.
What are the different categories of physical activity mentioned by the U.S. department of health and human services?
- occupational
- household
- leisure-time
- transportation
How is leisure time physical activity defined?
- any activity not related to a person's occupation, includes sports and planned training and recreational activities
Define Exercise:
- considered a subcategory of leisure-time physical activity.
- refers to activity that is purposeful, planned and structured
Define Physical Fitness
- A state of being that arises largely from interaction between nutrition and physical activity.
- The ability to carry out daily tasks with vigour and alertness, without undue fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure time pursuits and meet unforeseen emergencies .
What is muscular strength defined as?
- a subcomponent of musuloskeletal fitness defined as the maximal force or tension level that can be produced by a muscle group
Define muscular endurance:
- A subcomponent of musculoskeletal fitness defined as the ability of a muscle to maintain sum maximal force levels for extended periods of time
What are the different components of physical fitness?
- Cardiorespiratory
- Muscular Strength
- Muscular Endurance
- Flexibility
- Body composition
What are some benefits of regular physical activity?
- Reduces our risk of obesity
- Reduces risk for and complications of heart disease
- reduces risk for type 2 diabetes
- potential reduction for colon cancer
- potential reduction in our risk for breast cancer and endometrial cancer
- reduces risk for osteoporosis
What percentage of Canadian adults in 2004-5 were not physically active?
- 51%
What are some benefits from regular physical activity from a sound fitness program?
- better health
- improved fitness
- posture and balance
- self esteem
How often should an endurance activity be planned in a week based on Canada's physical activity guide?
- Four to seven days a week
How often should flexibility activities be planned in a week based on Canada's physical activity guide?
- Four to seven days a week
How often should strength activities be planned in a week based on Canada's physical activity guide?
2-4 days a week
What is the overload principle?
- placing an extra physical demand on your body to improve your fitness level
What is the FIT principle?
- three factors that help you achieve appropriate overload
- Frequency, intensity and time of activity
What does frequency refer to in the FIT principle?
- Refers to the number of activity sessions per week you perform
What does intensity refer to in the FIT principle?
- refers to the amount of effort during the activity or how difficult the activity is to perform
What is maximal heart rate?
- the rate at which your heart beats during maximal exercise
Calculate your maximal heart rate:
Max is 220-your age
What is the point of a warm up before working out?
- Should be gradual and sufficient to increase muscle and body temperature but should not cause fatigue or deplete energy stores
What is the point of a cooldown?
- Should include same activites you performed during the exercise session but done at low intensity to prevent injury and muscle soreness
What is creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine)
- a high energy compound that can be broken down for energy and used to regenerate ATP anaeroically
Does muscle contain more creatine phosphate or ATP?
- four to six times more CP
How long can our stores of ATP and CP support maximal physical effort?
- 3 to 15 seconds
What is lactic acid?
- A compound that results when pyruvic acid from glycolysis is metabolized without enough oxygen
What is the role of lactic acid?
- important intermediate of glucose breakdown that plays a critical role in supplying fuel for working muslces, the heart and resting tissues
How long can ATP be regenerated from exercise through glycolysis?
- Generally less than three minutes
What energy system must take over after three minutes?
- The aerobic energy system
What is reffered to as fat as a fuel source?
- triglyceride molecule
What is a triglyceride?
- glycerol backbone attached to three fatty acid molecules