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42 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Rheumatoid arthritis
Prominence of tibial tubercule
Osgood Schlatter disease
Deep, dull, boring, intense pain
Bone pain
Pain not increased with movement
Bone pain
Sharp pain
Pain interferes with sleep
Bone pain
Pain produced by movement
Joint pain
Pain improved by movement
Rheumatoid arthritis
Crampy pain
Muscle pain
Pain worse in morning
Rheumatoid arthritis
Pain worse in morning, improves as day goes on
Pain gets worse as day goes on
Tenderness over 3rd & 4th metatarsal heads on plantar surface
Morton's neuroma
Joint pain w/o inflammation
Migratory polyarthritis
Acute rheumatic fever, leukemia, GC arthritis, juvenile RA, sarcoidosis
Hyperextension of PIP with fixed flexion of DIP
Swan neck deformity (RA)
Persistent flexion of PIP with hyperextension of DIP
Boutonniere deformity (RA)
Heberden and Bouchard nodes
Nodes at DIPs
Heberden nodes (OA)
Nodes at PIPs
Bouchard nodes (OA)
Pain improves on shaking the wrist
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Tenderness over anatomical snuffbox
Scaphoid fracture
Subcutaneous nodules on extensor surfaces
Rheumatoid arthritis
Lateral epicondyle tenderness
Tennis elbow
Medial epicondyle tenderness
Golfer's elbow
Hyperextension MTphalangeal joint with flexion at PIP
Hammer toe
Lordosis with bending forward, increase of at least 4 cm when standing
Ankylosing spondylitis
Lordosis with bending forward, lack of increase of at least 4 cm when standing
Muscle spasm
Inability to lift arm above shoulder
Rotator cuff tear, sprains (most commonly supraspinatus)
Positive drop arm test
Rotator cuff tear
Hip pain in the butt
Usually back issue
Pain in groin
Hip issue
Pain in medial groin
Hernia or vascular issue in hip area
Diffuse knee pain
Hip issue (pain referred down femur)
Localized, specific knee pain
Knee issue
Patient leaning towards affected hip
Trendelenberg gait (weakness of abductor muscles)
Subchondral sclerosis, osteophyte, cyst formation in hip
Osteoarthritis in hip
Hurts to touch lateral hip
Trochanteric bursitis
Terrible Triad
ACL, MCL, Medial meniscal tear
Pain medial tibia at insertion of hamstrings
Pes Anserine bursitis (sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus)
Leg internally rotated and shortened
Hip dislocation
Leg externally rotated and shortened
Hip fracture