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43 Cards in this Set

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Somatic nervous system

processes that are perceived or controlled consciously

somatic sensory

detection of stimuli and transmission of nerve signals from special senses, skin, proprioceptors to the CNS

special senses

vision, hearing, equilibrium, smell and taste


receptors in joints and muscles that detect body position

somatic motor

initation and transmission of nerve signals from the CNS to control skeletal muscles

autonomic nervous system

processes regulated below conscious level

Motor system only

maintain homeostatis by regulating heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, sweating an digestion

input from visceral sensory(visceral sensory NOT part of ANS)

visceral sensory

receptors that detect stimuli associated with blood vessels and internal organs

Preganglionic neuron

first of two ANS motor neurons

nerve signals always result in release of acetylcholine to excite the second neuron

Preganglionic axon

extends from this cell body and exits the CNS in either a cranial nerve or a spinal nerve

projects to autonomic ganglion in peripheral nervous system

myelinated axons small in diameter

(post) ganglionic neuron

second pathway, residing in the ganglion

releases ACh or NE

post ganglionic axon

extends from the cell body to an effector

unmyelinated axon smaller in diameter then preganglionic axon

slower propagation

Neuronal Convergence

Occurs because axons from numerous preganglionic neurons synapse with and influence a single ganglionic neuron

Neuronal Divergence

occurs because axons from one preganglionic cell synapse with influence numerous ganglionic neurons

Somatic Nervous system sensory input

special senses, skin, proprioceptors

Somatic Nervous system effectors

skeletal muscle fibers

Somatic Nervous system CNS region of control

Cerebrum, thalamus, cerebellum. brainstem, spinal cord

Somatic Nervous system number of nuerons in pathway

one neuron from CNS: axon extends from CNS to effector

Somatic Nervous system axon properties

myelinated and thick in diameter; fast nerve signal propagation

Somatic Nervous system Neurotransmitter released


Somatic Nervous system effector response

Excitation only

ANS sensory input

visceral senses(some somatic sense)

ANS Effectors

Cardiac muscle cells, smooth muscle cells, glands

ANS- CNS regions of control

hypothalamus, brainstem, spinal cord; regulate cerebrum, thalamus, limbic system

ANS number of neuron pathways

Two neurons from CNS

ANS axon properties

Preganglionic- myelinated

Postganglionic- unmylinated and slower propagation

ANS neurotransmitter

Preganglionic releases ACh

Postganglionic releases either ACh or NE

ANS response of effector

either excitation or inhibition

Hypothalamus function

intergration and command center for autonomic functions involved in emotions

Brainstem function

contains major ANS reflex centers

Spinal cord functions

Contains ANS reflex centers for defecation and urnination

parasympathetic division

function to maintain homeostasis/digest

conserving energy and replensihing nutrient stores

"rest & digest"

sympathetic division

maintain homeostasis during exercise or times of stress/emergency

releasing nutrient from stores

"fight or flight" "three E's: exercise, excitement or emergency"

Parasympathetic preganglionic cell bodies location

brainstem or lateral gray matter of S2-S4

"craniosacral division"

sympathetic preganglionic neuron cell body

lateral horns of T1-L2

"thoracolumbar division"

Parasympathetic axon length

Preganglionic axons are longer and postganglionic axons shorter

sympathetic division

preganglionic axon shorter postganglionic axon longer

Parasympathetic preganglionic axon branches

less than 4

Sympathetic preganglionic axon branches

more then 20

parasympathetic autonomic ganglia location

close to or within effector

sympathetic autonomic ganglia location

relatively close to spinal cord

parasympathetic response

local, few and "turn on/turn off"

sympathetic response

neuronal divergence facilitating the activation of many structures simulatneously; mass activation

mass activation

sympathetic division allows for significant neuronal divergence and facilitates activation of many structures simultaneously

facilitated when adrenal medulla is stimulated by sympathetic division releasing NE and E into blood