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48 Cards in this Set

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Scientific study of the mind and behaviorCogni

Cognitive Perspective

Study of how we learn.

How we store and use information

Psychodynamic Perspective

We are motivated by unconscious irrational desires

Psychodynamic theorists study personality and mental disorders including sleep and dream analysis

Behavioral Perspectivd

Behavior is studied through observation

Shapes based on rewards and consequences

Two Types of Psychologists

Experimental- research, college professor

Applied- provide counseling to patients

Psychologists require PhD

Psychiatrists require MD


A testable explanation for a set of observations being studied

(Scientific guess)


A prediction of the outcome of a research study

Done prior to research

It must be testable so it can be confirmed or refuted

Independent Variable (IV)

Experimenter presents and controls the stimuli.

(Independent of the subject, they have no control)

Dependent Variable (DV)

Participants response to conditions in a study that are presented or controlled by the experimenter

Researcher wants to see if IV causes change in DV

Experimental Group

Gets the treatment

Control Group

No treatment but everything else is the same


Reproducing the results of the previous study. If you can replicate it then study is good


Research where the experiment controls all conditions and manipulates them, including the IV. Researchers have the best control of extraneous variables in the lab setting

Correlational Studies

Relationship between two or more variables but doesn’t necessary imply and effect


Method of collecting standardized information by interviewing a representative sample of a particular population

Naturalistic Observations

When a researcher unobstructively collects data in a naturally occurring event

Advantage- can obtain an accurate description of their behavior in natural setting

Disadvantage- time consuming, does not tell us everything about cause and effect

Personal Bias

Strong beliefs about a particular subject, which can effect the design of your study

Ex- Hiring body builders to sell diet pills

Observer Bias

Affects the observations of the observer

Gender Bias

In past, research studies included only males

Double-Blind Control

A model in which neither the experimenter or the participant are aware of the TX condition administered

American Psychological Association

Professional organization representing Psychologists in the US

Animal Studies

APA has specific guidelines for the humane TX of animal research

Charles Darwin

Naturalist best known for the theory of evolution and natural selection

Theory of Evolution

Based on survival in reproduction. Animals that can learn something will survive

Natural Selection

Based on weeding out the weak organisms, choosing only the healthiest organisms


One’s genetic makeup that is inherited from your parents

Ex- depression, anxiety, introverted


Genetics that make up the physical characteristics of individuals

Ex- eye color, hair color


Inherit 46 chromosomes from parents, 23 from mom pair with 23 from dad

Sympathetic Nervous System

Fight or flight behavior

Ex- Someone startles you? Do you lash out or run

Parasympathetic Nervous System

The portion of the nervous system returns the body back to its natural relaxed state after excitation

Ex- calmed

Types of Neurotransmitters






Found in the synaptic area and is responsible for regulating movement, balance and walking

-overproduction can cause schizophrenia

-too little can cause Parkinson’s Disease


Responsible for the process of sleep and memory

-not enough production can cause depression, anxiety and/or OCD


Found mainly in areas of the brain that is involved in controlling the autonomic nervous system

-imbalance can create high blood pressure and depression

-controls heart rate, sleep, stress levels, sexual responsiveness and appetite


A chemical in the brain that acts as the neurotransmitter by sending nerve signals

Left Brain Hemisphere

Process- speech, analysis, time, sequencing

Recognizes- Letters, numbers, words

Right Brain Hemisphere

Process- Creativity, Patterns, Spatial Awareness, context

Recognizes- Faces, places, objects


Mental alertness of internal and external stimuli

Internal- thoughts, memories, emotion

External- noise, touch


Sub means just beneath

Information registered in memory without consciously attending to it


Part of the brain that stores repressed memories that we are not aware of

Freud is theorist most associated with the unconscious


Rapid Eye Movement- a period during which we are in a dream state that occurs about once every 90 minutes

Sleep duration

Changes over one’s life:

Infant- 16 hours day

Child- 10.5 hours a night

Adolescent- 8.5 hours a night

Adult- 7-8 hours a night

Older Adults- 5.75 hours a night


One of the most common sleep disorders

Chronic inability to fall asleep

Frequent waking periods during the night


A sleep attack that occurs, resulting in the individual falling asleep during the day

Occurs without warning

Can be controlled with medication


An induced state of awareness in which the individual is responsive to suggestions of the hypnotist

Subjects are in a deeply relaxed state


Self induced hypnosis

Hidden Observer

The part of the self that is aware of things outside the conscious awareness

Benefits of Hypnosis

Change bad habits into good habits

-Quit smoking

-stop nail biting

-alleviated anxiety

Change negative or sad feelings into positive or happy feelings