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31 Cards in this Set

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The cornea is an adjustable structure in the eye that focuses light.

False; the cornea is non-adjustable, the lens is

Light from the right side of the world strikes the left side of the retina.


Cones are essential for color vision.

True. & rods for peripheral

Photopigments are stable in the dark.


The retinex theory accounts for the principle of color constancy.


Some people with damage to area V1 show a surprising phenomenon called blindsight.


A person with prosopagnosia cannot recognize voices.

False; faces

Damage to area V4 would likely cause problems with color constancy.


Movement of the eyes suppresses activity in the visual cortex for a brief moment.


Infants are born with the ability to control their visual attention.


In humans as in other species, the visual cortex is more plastic early in life.


The law of specific nerve energies states that:

every stimulation of the optic nerve is perceived as light.

In what order does visual information pass through the retina?

receptor cells, bipolar cells, ganglion cells

The optic nerve is composed of axons from which kind of cell?

ganglion cells

Which of the following characterizes the fovea?

It has the greatest perception of detail.

Which receptors are responsible for the perception of color?


Which theory emphasizes the idea that color vision depends on the relative responses of three kinds of cones?

Young–Helmholtz theory

Color constancy is the ability to:

recognize the color of an object despite changes in lighting.

The enhancement of contrast at the edge of an object is the result of:

lateral inhibition in the retina.

In the vertebrate retina, which cells are responsible for lateral inhibition?

horizontal cells

Which ganglion cells, if any, are located mostly in or near the fovea?


Visual information from the lateral geniculate area goes to the:

primary visual cortex.

Once within the cerebral cortex, the magnocellular pathway continues as a pathway sensitive to:


Damage to the dorsal stream may interfere with:

reaching out to grasp an object.

Which of the following would most strongly excite a simple cell in the primary visual cortex?

square picture frame

What is one way to determine whether a given cell in the primary visual cortex is "simple" or "complex"?

whether it can respond equally to lines in more than one location

An inability to recognize objects despite otherwise satisfactory vision is called:

visual agnosia

Color perception depends MOSTLY on the:

parvocellular pathway

The ability that you have to determine that your eyes are moving, instead of the room that you are in, is a function of which brain area?

area MST

Most of the neurons in the visual cortex of very young kittens respond to:

both eyes, and continue that way.

Children with strabismus fail to develop:

stereoscopic depth perception.