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14 Cards in this Set

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unit of genetic function common and bacteria and phages, consisting of coordinately regulated clusters of genes with related functions


A diagram that shows the occurrence of a genetic trait in several generations of a family

DNA ligase

Enzyme that chemically links DNA fragments together

Haplotype mapping

Focuses on identifying the slight variations in the human genome that affects a person, success, ability to disease and responses to environmental factors such as microbes toxins and drugs

Human genome project: an attempt to identify all the genes in the human genome


The transfer of genetic information from DNA into mRNA molecule takes place in the nucleus. Single DNA strand serves as a template for creation of complementary mRNA copy. Attaches RNA polymerase enzyme to a DNA molecule. Creates messenger mRNA molecule.


The field of genetics that involves the microscopic examination of chromosomes

Structural genes are responsible for?

Coding the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide chain

Mitosis vs meiosis

Mitosis: one cell division, replicates DNA to form two identical cells, resulting cells should have identical cells, resulting cells should have identical sets of 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Meiosis: two divisions, forming for genetically different cells, meiosis, one and two, forms reproductive cells with a single set of 23 chromosomes, only happens in sex cells


An important process by which gene expression is increased

Mendel law

The theory of genes as units of inheritance, discovered allele pairs and recessive dominant traits.

Set basic rules on genetic heritage

Explains different possibilities, (alleles) that exists for a specific position,(locus) of a gene.

RNA interference technology

Gene silencing

Technology that prevents cells from making a specific protein that contributes to disease

Based on natural processes cells used to regulate protein expression

Most common form of RNAi employs small interfering RNAs (siRNAs)

RNA messenger

RNA that copies of coded message from DNA and the nucleus and carries the message into the cytoplasm

Post-translational processing

Regulate protein activity through processing, folding, joining and making chemical modifications

Gene therapy

The insertion of working copies of a gene into the cells of person with a genetic disorder, in an attempt to correct the disorder