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49 Cards in this Set

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DNA is a polymer of ___, which consists of a sugar, a phosphate group, and a ___

Nucleotides; Nitrogenous base
If a DNA molecule were known to be 22% thymine (T), what would be the % id guanine (G) present

Which of these is the correct sequence from simple to more complex

Carbon, nitrogenous base, nucleotide, DNA, chromatin
A ___ us composed of a granular cluster of eight proteins called ___ with DNA wound around them

Nucleosome; histones
What is the complementary DNA base sequence to the DNA strand TGCCAT


A ____ contains the necessary info for the production of a molecule of RNA
What is all of the DNA in a set of 23 chromosomes referred to as

The genome
The human genome consists of approximately ___ pairs of nucleotides

Copying genetic info for DNA into RNA is called ___; using the info contained in mRNA to make a polypeptide is called ___

Transcription; translation
Which of the following is NOT directly involved in translation

Transcription occurs in the ____, but most translation occurs in the ____
Nucleus; cytoplasm
____ are turned on or off by regularly proteins in accordance with changing needs for the ____ the encode

Genes; proteins
Anticodons, codons, and base triples correspond to ____ respectively
tRNA, ,mRNA, and DNA
After translation, a protein may undergo structural changes called ___ modifications


Since there are no gene coding for carbohydrates, nucleic acids, or lipids, how do cells produce them

Enzymes encoded by genes synthesize these products

The genetic codes is the link between the ___ and the ____ that they represent

mRNA codons; 20 amino acids

You were able to radioactively tag and thereby trace an amino acid that is used to make insulin, a hormone that will be exported out of the cell. The pathway of the tagged amino acid would be ___
rough ER ---> Golgi complex ---> Golgi vesicle ---> extracellular fluid
The gene coding for a polypeptide make of 51 amino acids would have a min. of ___ bases


Which of the following is the template for transcription

The molecule that carries base triplets

What is the product of translation
A newly synthesized polypeptide

Which molecule contains anticodons

a tRNA

DNA polymerase is most active during which phase of the cell cycle

The G1 , S1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle are collectively called


All of the following participate in the DNA replication EXCEPT
Cytokinesis overlaps with which phase of mitosis

A mutation is

a change in DNA structure that might be beneficial, harmful, or neutral
DNA replication is called semiconservative because

Each daughter DNA consists of one new HELIX and one old HELIX
___ opens up one segment of the DNA helix during replication; ___ add complementary free nucleotides to the exposed DNA strand
DNA helicase; DNA polymerase
Which of these CANNOT cause mutation
A mistake made by the RNA polymerase

Cell division is stimulated by ___ and suppressed by ___
Growth factors; Contact inhibition

The stage at which chromosomes aggregate along the equator of a cell is


Which of these processes occurs during a cell's first gap (G1) phase

The cell synthesizes proteins and grows

Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite poles of a cell during ___ of the cell cycle


Chromatin shortens and thickens, coiling into compact rods during ___ of mitosis

which of the following omits some stage of the cell cycle

Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis
A karyotype shows the ___ chromosomes sorted and isolated from a cell in ___

46; Metaphase

Which of these is NOT found in the karyotype of a normal human male
46 Chromatids
A cell finishing mitosis has ___ DNA molecules, while a cell finishing DNA replication has ___ DNA molecules

46; 92
If one allele is not phenotypically expressed in the presence of another, we say that it is a ___ allele

Hemophilia is caused by a sex-linked recessive allele. This means that

A son who has hemophilia inherited the allele form his MOTHER
Eye color is caused by genes at multiple loci. This phemomenon is called

Polygenic inheritance
Germ cells have ___ unpaired chromosomes and are thus called

23; haploid

The allele for cleft chin (C) is dominate to the allele for uncleft chin (c). A male and female who are both heterozygous for cleft chin have a child. what is the chance that this child will have a cleft chin


The alleles possessed by all members of a population collectively are called the

Gene pool
In familial hypercholesterolemia, indiviuals with two abnormal alleles die of heart attacks in childhood, those with only one abnormal allele typically die as young adults, and those with two normal alleles are normal life expectancies. This exemplifies

Incomplete dominance
All of the bodies nonreproductive cells, called ___ usually have 23 pairs of chromosomes and are thus called ___ cells

Somatic cells; diploid
Which of the following is NOT a function found in RNA


Genes produce their products

as their products are not needed or not
Cells undergo decision when which of the following conditions have been met

They have grown large enough and replicated their DNA