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22 Cards in this Set

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present tense subjunctive II: weak verbs (e.g. brauchen)
for weak verbs present tense of subjunctive II is the same as the past tense of the indicative (e.g. brauchte, brauchtest, brauchte, brauchten, brauchtet, brauchten)
to form the present tense subjunctive II for strong verbs follow three steps (e.g. esse)
(i) take the *past tense* stem of the indicative; (ii) add an umlaut where possible (a, o, and u); (iii) add the following endings: -e, -est, -e; -en, -et, -en. (wa:re, wa:rest, wa:re; wa:ren, wa:ret, wa:ren)
present tense subjunctive II exceptions: haben, werden, wissen, du:rfen, ko:nnen, mo:gen, mu:ssen
ha:tte, wu:rde wu:sste;
du:rfte, ko:nnte, mo:chte, mu:sste (but sollte, wollte [Note 1: (although these are strong verbs) present tense subj II for these verbs is formed by adding an umlaut to the past tense indicative; Note 2: four of the modals but *not* sollen (sollte) nor wollen (wollte); Note 3: less common: bringen - bra:chte; denken - da:chte]
Antiquated subjective II exceptions: brennen, kennen, nennen, rennen, helfen, stehen, sterben, werfen
brennte, kennte, nennte, rennte, hu:lfe, stu:nde, stu:rbe, wu:rfe
subjunctive II usage: in wenn clauses, the one-word form is used with ...
(i) sein, haben, and modals; (ii) WISSEN and WEAK VERBS; [BUT wu:rde + infinitive is used with all other verbs]
trans: If he had the money, he would buy it.
Wenn er das Geld ha:tte, wu:rde er es kaufen. [Note 1: whenever a conditional sentence begins with a wenn-clause, the dann-clause will begin with a conjugated verb; Note 2: "dann" is almost always omitted; Note 3: commas are used between wenn- and dann-clauses.
The past tense of subjunctive II is made up of ...
wa:re or ha:tte + past participle (they are thus similar to perfect forms of the indicative (e.g. Er war gekommen; Wenn er gekommen wa:re, ... )
subjunctive II usage: in dann clauses, the one-word form is used with ...
(i) sein, haben and modals; [wu:rde + infinitive is used with all other verbs including wissen, and weak verbs (and even sometimes haben) use wu:rde-construction in the dann clause).]
trans: If I had had time, I would have gone to the movies.
Wenn ich Zeit gehabt ha:tte, wa:re ich ins Kino gegangen.
trans: I would come with, if I had the money.
Ich wu:rde mitkommen, wenn ich das Geld ha:tte. [Note: A conditional sentence can begin with a dann-clause, in which case (a) the word "dann" is never used, (b) the dann-clause uses normal declarative word order (verb second).
trans: If you had come earlier, we would have less to do now.
Wenn du fru:her gekommen wa:rest, ha:tten wir jetzt weniger zu tun. [Note: When the situation requires it, German can mix tenses within a sentence.]
trans: Had I known that, I would have stayed home.
Ha:tte ich das gewusst, (dann) wa:re ich zu Hause geblieben. [Note: wenn-clauses can be introduced by a verb, in which case the word "wenn" disappears (and the word "dann" can be replaced by "so")
trans: If you would come earlier, I could pick you up.
Wenn du fru:her kommen wu:rdest, ko:nnte ich dich abholen. [Note the wu:rde construction is not used with modal auxiliaries, not even in the dann-clause.]
trans: If you would have come earlier, I could have picked you up.
Wenn du fru:her gekommen wa:rest, ha:tte ich dich abholen ko:nnen. [Note double infinitive in the dann-clause]
trans: I would have asked him if I could have found him.
Ich ha:tte ihn gefragt, wenn ich ihn ha:tte finden ko:nnen. [Note: double infinitive in the wenn-clause. Note also: as usual, the double infinitive has absolute claim on final position in a subordinate clause.]
trans: I would have done it if I could have.
Ich ha:tte es gemacht, wenn ich gekonnt ha:tte. [Note: past subjunctive II of modals without dependent infinitives - when there is no dependent infinitive in a modal expression, the normal past participle is used in forming the past tense of subj II.]
trans: You really should go home. [use subj. II]
Du solltest wirklich nach Hause gehen. [Note: Modal expressions in subjunctive II are also common in simple sentences.]
trans: You really should have gone home.
Du ha:ttest wirklich nach Hause gehen sollen. [Note: Modal expressions in subjunctive II are also common in simple sentences.]
trans: If he were only here!
Wenn er nur hier wa:re! [Note: subj II is used in expressing wishes - just add "nur" to a subj. II wenn-clause (like nicht and wohl, nur comes after objects but before adverbs)]
trans: If he had only answered me!
Wenn er mir nur geantwortet ha:tte! [Note: in expressing wishes, the wurde-construction is used with all verbs except haben, sein, wissen, and the modal auxiliaries (it is used with weak verbs).
trans: Could I come along? (contrast *can* I come along?)
Ko:nnte ich mitkommen? [German uses the present tense of the subj II as a polite form.]
trans: As if I didn't know that!
Als ob ich das nicht wu:sste! [als ob-constructions refer to contrary-to-fact situations and therefore require use of subj II.]